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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 9-

October 1st. Midnight.


More alive and like she had a purpose again. Maybe it was because of her baby...

Maybe it was because she wasn't working herself sick... She definitely grasped that it was because she wasn't thinking of Naruto as much. Relationships... non-existent or real... shouldn't consume a person.

Love isn't supposed to hurt.


October 4th. Mid-morning.

It wasn't terrible in the wilderness. She reconnected to the wonderment of nature. They've seen it all: narrow valleys, mountain streams with and cascades, lakes, and beaches of small stones. She got to know the silence. She read poems while dangling tens of feet in the air... at peace.

She toured on the tinder of the forest floor. She found the perfect glint of greenness left in the world when it was autumn. She danced and sang but her voice scared away the birds. She spent mornings chasing butterflies and nights catching June-bugs that flew around the lanterns she lit. At sunrise, she woke up, refreshed to watch the tequila colors spread against the canvas of the sky, its rays like oil paints. In the evening, she watched galaxies pass over the skies.

These four weeks have been... exceptionally strange... Stranger than she wanted it to be. She understands... Sasuke on a basic but complex level. Things with Sasuke had improved.

He was undividedly avoidant. She assumed that he was one of the most confrontational people she's ever met. He says and does what he wants when he wants to without loathing it. It was remarkable. He was jaded but... so courageous in a way. He got angry but he wasn't emotional or open to speaking about his real, true opinion. He never talked about the serious things, like children and nightmares. Talking about things wasn't his style, either.

Someone was always more talkative than she was. He... was just as quiet as she was in a conversation.

During the month on the road, she's accumulated quite a bit of information about him. She composed a list named The Fundamentals of Uchiha Sasuke. She wished that he never ever saw it. Its home was on the back of one of her poetry books that he would never read.

He liked burning oak wood because it smelled clean. He chewed on barley stems when he's bored. He liked trying out all of the flavors of tea she prepares. He hated when Aoda took Hinata on trips around the camp or when Aoda let her sit on his head to touch the clouds. He liked roasted heart-nuts and throwing skipping stones on clear streams on slow days. They never kept score but he always won against Hinata. He enjoyed looking at the moon. She usually falls asleep on him at night. He didn't mind.

He liked sitting on meadows with flowers, daffodils and crystal streams nearby. His kunai were sharpened at night and sometimes she helped him and in turn, he let her throw some of them. He didn't mind when Hinata washed their gear, fished with him or filled his canteen but he never let her touch his sword. Only kunai, shurikens, and knives were acceptable. They played petty games of who could hit the target first or who has the best aim. He doesn't like walking at night but he says it's best for hunting. Sometimes they woke up at dawn, he liked the sun rises. He doesn't like the shoes that have laces. Sometimes, he snored but other times, he slept like a baby.

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora