Feelings of Forever

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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 26-
Feelings Of Forever

4 oclock... ish. Late afternoon.

It used to be uncomfortable tightening throughout her entire abdomen with little pain. The babies stretched and stretched in her stomach then the agitation and discomfort came on. Then it was a little stinging and burning. The pains have a commencement and a conclusion. To put it in perspective, Hanabi- if her abdomen was a hand, contractions felt like her stomach making a very tight fist.

Hours ago, it hadn't felt wretched. It wasn't as if her cells were trying to split and neglect her body.

That was then and this is now.

All she could do is breathe.

As she was in pain, Someina helped Hinata through the hallways after two solid minutes of demanding to hold his hand during the contractions. Hinata groaned and clutched Someina's knuckles, trying to calm down.

She was red, feverish and sweating. Her face was flushed and she felt so ready to just throw in the towel and quit. "It's so hot. Am I the only one? Someina- it hurts. My water's broken and it hurts so bad,"

Someina nodded, understanding. "I know. It's just a muscle and this is natural. Say it with me, it's just a muscle. This is natural,"

Hinata grit her teeth and reiterated after Someina. "This is natural. It's just a muscle. We've been preparing for this. Now it's time to meet my babies,"

Someina grinned. "Good. You're doing so amazing," Without watching, Someina apprehended Hinata rolled her eyes. "Come on, you're doing better than I would,"

Hinata attempted a dry laugh. They belatedly proceeded to the living room. Sasuke and an ANBU were disputing. On a rug, Benjiro played with blocks and kept to himself. His tower was pretty high. Mitsuyo was missing in action.

Sasuke noticed Hinata and held a hand up to the ANBU. "How are you holding up?" he inquired, anxious but euphoric. He also wanted to see the babies.

Hinata felt like laughing but she hid that. Someina claimed that Hinata was doing amazing.

"Natsukawa-san, you must to be taken to the hospital," The ANBU shook his head. "Under the Raikage's orders, you must have your birth in the hospital,"

Hinata winced. Hospital? Or here... She didn't give a damn about what the Raikage had to say.

Benjiro gasped and his block tower crumbled. "Sasu? Why Nata huwt? Why hopital?" Benjiro asked, standing up and running to Hinata.

Hinata presented a wry smile to Benjiro and said, "It's fine, baby. Just having a baby,"

"The tummy mango babe come out? What?" Benjiro asked, eyes wide.

Sasuke nodded. "She's in labor. The babies want to meet you," Sasuke whispered.

"Can I kiss it betteh? Her ouchie betteh. Nata kisses my boo-boos an' they huwt no more," Benjiro asked and kissed her stomach. He placed a hand on her stomach and loudly said, "Baby hurt Nata? Bad babies. Come out so I can give kisses!"

The ANBU leader shook his head. "It's safer if you go to the hospital. We do not want the next Uchiha twins to be delivered in an environment that is not sterile-"

"Just- just hold up a minute," Sasuke looked at the ANBU begrudgingly then made his way over to Hinata. She sighed. He's being her therapy.

Standing by Benjiro, Someina previously slinked away, giving them space. "You're doing amazing, Momo. Don't forget," Someina called out, encouraging Hinata.

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now