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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 5-

September 3rd. Midnight-ish.


Hinata took a deep breath. Her muscles turned to lead and she sank onto the surface she was on. Exhausted.

Hinata was in some unknown area on some soft but worn cushion. She surveyed the place; it was a motel room. Hinata smelled must and alcohol... She was on a velvety sofa. Why was she on a sofa? Where was she?

Uchiha Sasuke put Hinata under a genjutsu and she lost all consciousness. Did they sleep together again?! Her clothes were on. Her thoughts... felt violated and searched.

"You're awake," he said so casually in his grumpy voice that it startled her.

Awake- more like barely conscious. Hinata's eyelids were so heavy. Her eyesight got cut into slits. She panted heavily.

Why did he put her under a genjutsu?! Why was it this... this draining? When Hinata was younger, before the Uchiha clan assassination, she learned about the visual process that the Uchiha used. She never knew that it was this painful.

"Good," he said simply, in his usual monotone spur.

He was on the edge of the bed. The sofa she laid on was against the wall. The sofa was also aligned perfectly with the edges of the bed. Hinata was facing Sasuke at all times. She didn't like being five or six feet away from a guy who had the rinnegan or the guy who took her virginity...

Uchiha freaking Sasuke! Hinata wanted to make him pay for standing so... so close her and putting her under a genjutsu.

Once Hinata felt his chakra signature and heard his voice, she focused her thoughts and concentrated.


Hinata scrambled, getting her tanto-gata shuriken.

Hinata launched it towards him. Sasuke leaned over a bit. The shuriken whizzed past him, lodging itself in the dented wall.

It totally missed him.

Her shinobi pack was strapped to her leg. She grabbed her hira-shuriken and threw it.

"Hn," Sasuke said as he caught the next shuriken mid-air.

The shuriken threaded his long finger.

"I have no interest in fighting you, Hyuuga girl," he declared.

Hinata deflated like a balloon. Hinata lost all of her energy due to that one idiotic small throw. She knew it wouldn't hit him... nor would he ever let it.

Sasuke tossed the shuriken to the ground in between them. He also tossed the kunai (the one she previously threw at him on the street) onto the pile. Three weapons... none of them... used.

Sasuke sat, his eyes were closed, eyebrows pulled together. He didn't need to have his eyes open. He had Kami-like power... afterall.

Sasuke didn't want to fight her but what else could she do? She had lips and teeth to ask what happened and argue. She also had fists to fight when things went south.

"We need to talk," he said.

Oh no, not that again. Hinata didn't want to talk to him. She swung her feet over the edge of the sofa, getting prepped to leave.

She almost stumbled and fell with the head spin she had. Once she put weight on her feet, her muscles spasmed. She was a calf learning to walk. Her limbs failed her. They couldn't carry the weight of her body.

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now