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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 13-

November 7th. Morning.


Hinata turned over and as an instinct, she raced towards the bathroom and perched herself over the toilet, waiting for it to hit her like a train on a track. She was ready. She was ready for whatever she felt today. Good, bad, terrible, worse.

Hinata was so concerned with throwing up, she hadn't realized her stomach... was fine. There wasn't this unending compulsion to throw up. Hinata was in heaven. Ultimate heaven.

No vomit, no problems.

Hinata beamed when she strolled out of the bathroom a free woman. No more morning sickness. What a blessing. The gods must be smiling down at her today. She grinned to herself as she noticed that her tunic shirt was... tighter than usual. It wasn't this tight before.

Hinata looked at herself in the mirror perched on the wall in the hallway. Her stomach was... distended. Maybe she was bloated or something. Was her stomach... bigger? She was used to her boobs getting bigger and sore, her cheeks being puffier, her thighs being bigger. But her stomach was bigger.

Hinata knows that she should get an ultrasound but how... how will she do that? She has to ask sooner or later because of her stomach... was rounded. She didn't look pregnant but there was a certain curvature.

"Your baby wouldn't mind being... seen?" Mitsuyo smirked, catching Hinata in the hall. "Your baby is the size of a peach."

Hinata held her stomach. It felt thick and... soft. At the same time. "My little miracle grew so much."

"That's what babies... do. Your peach sized baby is quite cute. If they don't get your his attitude, you'll be fine, "Mitsuyo clarified. She did see a smile on Mitsuyo's face. "Follow me."

"Why... do you want to... go?" Hinata asked.

Fifty-two minutes later, Hinata and Mitsuyo were at kitchen table. They stared at variously sized peaches as if they were living, breathing babies.

"That's why we spent all morning gathering peaches," Mitsuyo nodded while folding her arms.

Hinata smiled. "Which peach looks like my baby?" Hinata gushed and clapped her hands together. "My baby will be the cutest."

"That's what they all say but... if they have your soul... maybe so. You have a pretty soul, Hyuuga. Never change that!"

Hinata downplayed how huge it was to get a compliment from Mitsuyo. They sat there, thinking of her child and all the possibilities. Hinata cleared her throat.

"And we agree that... we don't eat peaches... anymore, right?" Hinata said.

Mitsuyo laughed but a sadness lined her smile. "Yeah."


There's the smell of leaves and summertime sun. Birds chirped and bubbles popped, burbling quickly against the gentle current. Sasuke was over a babbling brook on a bridge. The wooden boards smelled musky but clean.

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now