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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 14-

November 14th. Afternoon.


Mitsuyo liked playing organized mind games with Hinata.

Mahjong was customarily played with four players. Hinata played mahjong with Hanabi and Neji on snowy days when you would wish the cold away.

Hinata never played mahjong with just one other person. The games were usually high-strung and competitive. Mitsuyo ordinarily prevailed but it made Hinata more stubborn to beat her.

Either way, Mitsuyo usually cornered Hinata with the hard topics while they played the game.

"I do not understand why we have to practice my accent. I will only be here for a year," Hinata said.

"Kumo is a place where slang and words get said differently from Konoha. Everyone will know that you are a foreigner," Mitsuyo drawled.

"I am from Konohagakure."

"Everyone and their mother knows that. I know that. It is hard to tolerate your Konohagakure accent. I can hear the uncensored arrogance your people have."

"Not everyone is... Arrogant. You do not like Konoha? It is a-"

"Vast land where fools parade how strong they are by causing mischief. Sasuke is a key example," Mitsuyo argued.

Hinata conceded. "Oh... Yes. He is quite destructive," Hinata promptly agreed. "He once broke a building."

"How does one... break a building?" Mitsuyo hummed, half-interested and half-scared.

"It was an off day. I mean, you do not originate from Konoha so..." Hinata paused.

Mitsuyo flinched. "If you say so, kid."

Hinata nodded. "I believe you wouldn't have a... fond opinion of them."

Mitsuyo shrugged. "If you listen closely, you'll notice that we don't appreciate people from Konoha. They call your shinobi Konoha-dogs. It's only natural that our rivaling countries do not appreciate each other."


"Rifts happen," Mitsuyo moved a piece. "Division happens over time despite the fact that we are all the same. Even I admit to forgetting that fact. Despite that, I want you to fit in with Kumo people. Have you thought of the reality of you being here?"

"Yes... I have."

"Then you must look like you're from Kumo so you fit in."

Hinata tilted her head, not agreeing. "I wear your daughter's clothing... which is profoundly Kumo-styled. I wear all the styles of Kumo. I'm wearing loose flowing clothing... The rock necklaces, the spirit rings, the shoes, and my hair is worn in a Kumogakure way. I'm... fitting in," Hinata protested.

"In my house. When other people notice you, your cover will be taken away.You cannot keep on wearing my daughter's clothing. And I want you to see Kumo without being recognized," Mitsuyo said.

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