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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 47-

Five Years Ago.

Benjiro jumped all over the room, excited and beaming. He mentioned to random nurses and doctors that he had siblings and that his Nata and Sasu were the best parents in the world (which was just Kumo to him). When they finally got him to settle down and meet his siblings in front of Hinata, he was nervous and shy.

Benjiro couldn't see over the bed's edge. Sasuke picked him up and held him in his arms so Benjiro could see the tiny humans breathe. He stared at the two bundles of joy in Hinata's arms.

Benjiro crawled onto the bed. stared at Hinata and said, "Nata... you need a shower but you do look pwetty,"

"Only you know how to make a girl feel special," Hinata laughed, "They're very delicate so do not wake them up. Or drop them. They're very small for a reason. If you drop these babies, Nata and Sasu will not be happy."

"Okay, Nata," Benjiro nodded. "They so small an'... an' blue! Cool. I wan 'em forever."

Hinata smiled. "Yeah, Ben, they're going to be your siblings. You can keep them forever."

"Is that my Mango sister? An'... Mango broder?"

"They're not mangoes-" Sasuke argued, shaking his head.

Hinata shot him a scolding look and he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah. They're mangoes," Sasuke nodded. "What do you want to name him?"

Benjiro shrugged. "Mango sis and mango bro or Nata baby giwl and Nata baby boy or- Sasu baby boy or Sasu baby giwl or Mango Sasu baby giwl or Mango Sasu baby boy or Mango Nata baby giwl an' Mango Nata baby boy," he pointed to the two and grinned. "Whacha think? Nata an' Sasu?" he asked, proud of himself.

"That's... that's going on the birth certificate," Sasuke chuckled. "Hey... Benjiro, I didn't catch the first ones- you wanna repeat that all?

Benjiro's face lit up. "Oh- yeah! It's mango sis-"

Hinata threw another dark look at Sasuke. "Honey, you... You don't have to do that. We'll take that as a middle name." Hinata told Benjiro.

Benjiro lit up. "Which one? Mango sis and mango bro or Nata baby giwl and Nata baby boy or- Sasu baby boy or Sasu baby giwl or-"

"It's fine- Ben... baby, it's fine," Hinata interrupted him. "Baby, what fruits do you like?"

"Mangoes... an' pears!"

Sasuke looked at his baby girl. "Amarante Nashi Uchiha... and what's his name?" Sasuke asked.

"It has to start with 'h' and... How about..." Hinata paused and looked at Sasuke. "Hiro... mitsu?"

"Hiromitsu... Ichirou Uchiha?" Sasuke nodded.

"Welcome to the world, Hiromitsu, and Amarante," she announced. They really were beautiful. That's all she could say... perfect...

She nodded and smiled. "We're basically an Uchiha clan."

"We're not all Uchiha. Not yet," Sasuke said thoughtfully.

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