Lost You

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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 21-
Lost You

April 7th. Late evening.

Jugo stared at photographic evidence of the one he loved and lost. Jugo's hands trembled, his body became covered with demon-like scales. His eyes... were filled with rage and tears.

Jugo went insane. Someina and everyone knew he was insane but not how much during loss... A girlfriend, someone close, she doesn't know.

Soon after, Suigetsu and Jugo argued over foolishness. Jugo took his frustration Suigetsu then the village.

In Jugo's grief, he spread terror like Sasuke. However, the Uchiha wouldn't go on a revenge rampage with all that bloodlust. He rampaged through the city and killed everything in sight.

Hinata told the kids to leave at the first sign of Jugo's agitation and grief. Hinata made sure Someina fled with the kids in her arms. Someina didn't know if Hinata was fine.

Benjiro was angry to be left with his permanent babysitter. Unless his mother was there, Taiyo couldn't be bothered, not saying much unless he was really interested. Taiyo didn't mind being outside of the house because he wasn't as attached to the house as Benjiro was.

Any distance from their cottage would spark the flame of a temper tantrum in Benjiro. Benjiro thoroughly enjoyed his cabin fever that came along with his parents.

Someina regretted not protecting Hinata. Sasuke'll kill Someina once they meet again. Someina couldn't disappoint him nor give him more reasons to hate her.

All the training sessions between her and Sasuke was just the subliminal message; take care of the love of my life when I'm not there because I sort of, maybe, maybe not trust you... by Sasuke.

And she ruined that. She hoped Sasuke got to Hinata on time.


It's confirmed; they are bad omens.

Finding her going after Jugo, Sasuke was affronted. He attempted to convince her to go back home. Operative word: attempted.

She doesn't listen.

Hinata and Sasuke stood in some barely lit road surrounded by houses, getting eaten by ravenous mosquitoes. Their typical evening was disrupted before he returned from a mission. When he got home, Hinata was a mess in their empty house. Hinata went after Someina after everything calmed down.

Someina left with Taiyo and Benjiro because she knew that Jugo would implode and wreck everything.

"I have to stop Jugo, heal Suigetsu... Find Benjiro and Taiyo again," Hinata whispered, determined, pacing. "Can you track their chakras? Are they in the forest? The village square? Or did they escape?"

Sasuke scowled. He didn't know.

Suigetsu and Jugo were supposed to protect his makeshift clan not cause peril. Jugo's senselessly destroying the village. Suigetsu's probably dead after attempting to halt the beast. Again, operative word; attempted. Everyone's separated and he blamed those fools.

He did sympathize with Jugo. Losing someone is painful but he wouldn't go round murdering people like this.

"Let's go back to Mitsuyo's. I'll find Benjiro and Taiyo. The Aoi will be easy to spot," Sasuke assured her, urging Hinata to stop being stubborn.

She furrowed her brows, her cloak flapping in the wind. "But Sasuke... Benjro... the people Jugo injured. They are in need of my help. Sasuke, we have to save them!"

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