Of Grief

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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 45-
Of Grief

She wished she wasn't pushing her hate for him in margins and tight spaces. 

A compilation of emotions ripped through Hinata. She inhaled a gust of air and felt waves of shock, guilt and desperation wash over her.

Is he dying? Her father- not her father. Hiashi is dying?

She felt the stab of unscheduled tears burning her throat. She wouldn't cry. She can't cry for a man she wanted... to forget just minutes prior. She felt so heavy with the knowledge because she wished she took back every last negative thing she's done.

She never got to know who he was. What was the tea flavor he liked? Now he will die. She wanted to know if it was true. Hanabi's a mess on the floor and Hiashi isn't exactly answering her pleading looks.

She didn't wish death upon him. Everyone made mistakes- just see all these parents.

Her eyes met Hiashi's snow cold orbs and his gaze softened.

If she had only said the right words and did the right things, maybe they would be falling into a state of ease, okayness. She was always so lost in the dark with him. She's drowning in this... slow drowning. She feels the loss already. She can't lose two parents... Not when she barely knows both of them.

Ino's low sigh indicated her sympathy. Hinata couldn't help but notice the downcast looks in all the Hyuuga clansmen's eyes. They seem terribly saddened by this... Is it true?

Why does her heart feel like it's getting cut out by a rusted spoon? Why does this feel like guilt? The scent of cedar and bergamot choked her.

"Is it true?" Hinata asked, her voice tight and high. "He's..."

Hanabi nodded.

Hiashi made an amused sound. Though endeared by Hanabi's concern, Hiashi was equally as annoyed. "Hanabi- I am not dying," he said slowly, mostly looking at Hinata.

Hanabi wrung the fabric of her red skirt in her hands, nose red and eyes darting all over his expressionless face."It was a close call!" Hanabi exclaimed.

The almighty Hiashi rolled his white eyes, not taking his favored daughter seriously. "Hanabi- that doesn't mean that I will die so easily," he looked directly at Hinata. "They coddle me and exaggerate the facts. A heart attack nearly ensued but I am well enough to run a clan, see my daughter's wedding and my clan thrive,"

The surrounding Hyuuga seemed confused by his statement. "My Lord... It is still good to be cautious. We do not want any mishaps, especially when the consequences of our neglect may lead to fatal outcomes!"

Hiashi huffed. "Ay me, ay, I am old, my clansmen. I will die and my heart became tired. It was just indicative, a sign of the times,"

Hinata's heart was calmed. "It would be a shame if you died before you apologized to me, Hiashi or me to you," Hinata said.

"Yes," Hiashi lowered his gaze. "It would be among the most shameful of all,"

She nodded, releasing a shaky breath. There is the pain but it is not all-consuming like it was before. "Hiashi, I need to tell you something-" she started. 

Suddenly, she heard someone's sandals slap against the tiles. "Hanabi- are you alright?" said a male's voice as the din became more turbulent.

Hanabi's eyes lit up when a man trekked over to her. Hanabi threw herself into his arms and sobbed. He automatically scanned the group of Hyuuga, eyes narrowed and so- powerfully blue. He bundled his wide-sleeves around Hanabi's body, shielding Hanabi from the rest.

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