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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 28-

The ANBU hadn't handcuffed her. They walked on rocky narrow pathways of high altitude cliffs. Beautiful, to walk through clouds, seeing down below. C's making it less picturesque.

They're going to take away Benjiro if they know the truth. His father could be Akuma-oo-sama and this is my way of protecting Benjiro, Hinata thought. Through silence.

C stared at Hinata, yelling again, "What did you discover? Cooperate!"

"No!" she snapped.

He lifted an eyebrow at her temper. "Tell me. If you don't give up the information voluntarily, there are other means."

Hinata didn't respond, which frustrated him.

"If you shall serve Kumogakure-" C continued.

Hinata looked at the edge of the cliff, and jumped to the cloudlet depths.


Hinata entered Karin's house by the village center via the window. Green plants dotted the dark, modern layout. Weapons, medical papers, the omnipresent redolence of coffee and Kameya's toys did too.

Kameya's and Karin's photos were common. Paper memories of barbecues, playdates, weddings, and Jugo adorned the walls Hinata passed by, proceeding to the bedroom.

Karin emerged from bathroom fog to find a disheartened Hinata on her bed.

Her red velvet hair dripped, bite marks exposed. "I admit, this isn't how I imagined our sex scene," Karin joked, Hinata frowned.

"You've imagined me in a sex scene?"

"Just kidding. I love you but what'd you come here for?"

"I ran away from the ANBU, I'm freaking out."

"About what?" Karin asked.


Fully changed, Karin gazed at Hinata with a bit of solicitude, characteristically pushing up her glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"Let me get this straight," Karin started. "Benjiro's Akatsuki dad impregnated Niko after a genjutsu. Benjiro's born, left with a crazy mom and drunk relatives. Kabuto finds Benjiro's mother, drugs her with a chakra disease. Her last words were "Kill Benjiro". The Akatsuki father wanted his aunt, Miyana... to take care of Benjiro. She refused to... and neglected Taiyo. Miyana's probably directed them to you! She framed you to get Benjiro because she didn't want responsibility."

Mitsuyo wanted me to be seen as Miyana. Mitsuyo... was in on it too? She gave me this... gray hair, Hinata thought. Miyana lead them to me. Mitsuyo argued for "Kaiya" to leave...

Mitsuyo was kidnapped and brainwashed before the Uchiha massacre by Shimura Danzo for her jutsu. Renji, a ROOT agent, married Mitsuyo, to keep caps on her and get Uchiha sharingan in ROOT inventory,

Miyana and Mitsuyo were sisters, have sharingan and Uchiha with children. Kokoro, Kaito and Taiyo are the only live children of both sisters. Mitsuyo's first son Ryouta died in the custody of Danzo because Ryouta's sharingan wouldn't activate... Then, Danzo killed Renji, Mitsuyo's husband, for not sending the other two sharingan kids of hers, AKA weaponry of the highest degree...

Two years after Benjiro was born and the war's end, Mitsuyo found Uchiha Sasuke on her porch and the rest is history. Tadashi and Yoki want Benjiro back along with Benjiro's Akatsuki father. Everything she knows is a lie...

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now