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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 27-

August 2nd. Noon.

Hiromitsu wasn't meant to accompany her on errand runs. He threw a tantrum until she dressed him for going on a trip into the city.

They visited the park. He liked playing on the seesaw with Amarante (who wasn't there) but busied himself with butterflies under the shade of cherry blossom trees with Hinata.

The butterflies were summons of a shinobi, so the zest-colored monarch butterflies were friendly. She taught him to be gentle, not crush them.

He's shining his magma-black eyes in a sweet way that Benjiro does, watching him.

"Mama?" he asked Hinata. Hiromitsu smiled; a butterfly gave him a kiss. "I want some O-nigiri? And... cina buns."

He sneezed. The butterflies hovered away then flounced back to him.

"Do you want kakigōri?" Hinata asked. He nodded. "Its a date, my dear."

"Can uncle Rai come, too? Ama wants some, too!"

She was visiting the Raikage anyway so she nodded. Hiromitsu grinned as the butterflies formed a crown on him. She thanked the shinobi and went off to meet the Raikage after getting some kakigōri and o-nigiri with her Hiromitsu.


Afternoon. 3 p.m.

The sleek Raikage tower, the tallest tower in the village. Its chiefly blue glass had yellow accents and kanji of lightning on it. Finding slivers of glass on the floor was common for the Raikage had a notorious habit of bursting through windows instead of doors.

Hiromitsu's always excited to see the Raikage tower. Maybe it was something about the heights, the frenzy that came to life.

Giving Hinata a sweet hello, shinobi and administrative workers bowed. Some respected her due to her friendship with the Raikage. Others were silent.

She stopped at the front desk. Hinata frowned at the entire floor holding their breath. Hiromitsu tugged on her dress and she carried him.

"That's the demonic child," someone hissed.

Hinata sent a glare to the worker's way. Before Hinata could respond, the female Raikage's assistant said, "The Raikage is on his way, he will be here shortly to meet you." the assistant noticed the people glaring and explained. "They still think Sasuke was behind the recent Hellion Fire Attack."

"Mama! That's you," Hiromitsu pointed a small hand at a flyer with Hinata's photo.

The flyer came closer, along with the person who held a stack of them.

"You're the one who plays house with Uchiha Sasuke?" The pretty lady asked her. She had dark skin, blonde hair, and forestry eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"You're the spouse of Uchiha Sasuke?"

Hinata held her kid closer. "Yes, why do you know that or have this?"

"A source under the name of Taichirou gave me big yen to pass these out. You got less time to give him what he wants."

"What do the flyers say? Who is Taichirou?"

"Who cares? Besides, it's for a good cause," the blonde crabbed. She held the flyer up, pointing at it. "I've to spread the word. You stole Uchiha Benjiro from another family. You're a child stealer."

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