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Jeremy and I went shopping for the clothes the next day.

"How does this look?" I asked him, holding up a green and black striped shirt.

He laughed. "What are you, five? My parent made me wear shit like that in elementary. How about this?" He pulls a purple and black flannel from a rack and holds it against himself.

I shrugged. "It's not really me." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone. He texts someone something and lifted his head, "I told Greg we'd be a while. This is going to take some time." 

He slides the phone back into his pocket.

He grabbed a few things he wanted me to try and I head towards the fitting rooms.

I don't hate what he picked out, but I feel I can't complain or be picky.

I ended up choosing most of what he picked and a few basic tees and pants as well.

He was still busy texting away.

I wonder if it's still Greg he's messaging. 

At the checkout I hand them the money and give the change to Jeremy.

"He said that's your to keep, don't worry." he told me.

I put it in my pocket and grab my bags.

This feels weird. I guess it's them trying to make me feel like family. 

I feel my phone vibrates so I pull it out.

"Hey! How are you?" from Luke.

I smile and reply, "I'm good. I got some new clothes, so I can return what you let me borrow."

I sent the text and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Whoever sent you that text sure made you smile." Jeremy said bitterly.

I looked confused. Why the tone?

"It was Luke. He asked how I was." I told him.

He shook his head and we headed home.

I didn't comment on his texting moods or question who texts him.

I doubt it was still Greg. 

When we get back to the apartment we hang and listen to music.

He doesn't hold my hand, but he does hold me.

I feel distant, but okay with it.

He kisses me and we relax.

I feel my phone vibrate but I ignore it.

Slow songs are playing and I start to doze off. Comfort is setting in.

I wake up to Jeremy laughing. I look around and he isn't there. It sounds like it's coming from the living room.

I get up and go to the living room and I see James there.

"Hey!" he says excitedly waving.

I wave and say to Jeremy "So is this who you've been texting all day?" 

I said it jokingly, and James laughed.

"Are you fucking serious Andy? I have plenty of friends, what are you trying to say? I'm cheating?" Jeremy said angrily.

"N-no, I-I didn't mean that." I said to him frantically.

He stormed off to his room where I'm sure I wasn't welcome right now.

"Don't worry about it Andy, give him some time to cool off." James laughed.

"Oh! By the way, can you do me a favor and not mention I was here?" 

I nodded, too upset to say anything.

"Thanks!" he said walking towards me to give me a hug.

It was a nice hug and it was nice to have him as a friend.

"I've got to get going, but call me sometime, come hang with me and Luke!"

He waved, the he was off.

I then remembered my phone going off earlier. I looked at it and had two messages.

"You can keep the clothes. It's not a problem. Glad you're doing good. How's Germ?" from Luke.

I replied, "Jeremy is good, and thank you."

I then read the second message.

"Have you seen James today?" 

Shit. I don't want to lie, but I am James' friend too, I should respect what he asked.

"No. Why?" I replied.

I sat on the couch and waited for a reply.

It came in. 

"Just asking." from Luke.

Sighing, I put down my phone and sunk deeper into the couch.

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