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I walk through the entry gates of the school, passing security. I know the schools up north don't have security like this at their gate, but the rest of this city does. It's lame, but if it's for some sort of safety, I guess it's okay.  

I take a short walk to the attendance office for my class list, and read it over.

I have ten minutes before the bell, I think. Pulling out my phone, I see it’s a little more. I take my time getting to my first class which is English.

Some familiar faces see me and give me a sad smile. My sister was well known. She had a lot of friends that should would hang with after school most days and on the weekends. Although her social life was busy, she made time for me too.

I was nowhere near her social status. It was by choice. I could have joined clubs, played sports, made friends, but that’s not really me. I’m the kind of person who’d rather watch people, listen to music, and think about things. I like my solitude, and no one’s ever really tried to bother anyway.

Last year at the beginning of my senior year, I couldn't even walk these halls without tearing up about my sister. The guilt was heavy and unbearable. I don’t necessarily forgive myself for what happened, but I make efforts to mentally block it out. Being here again is not helping.

Walking into the ‘A’ building, I realize I was in a bad head space. I miss her so much. It is my fault. I'm pathetic. I..

I walk into the restroom, and head for one of the sinks. One was occupied by a guy brushing his teeth.

When I splash my face, the cold water feels refreshing and breaks the hurricane of negativity.

I hear people come in and out of the restroom but I close my eyes and try to shut out the noise.

“Andres?” I hear from behind me. I look in the mirror to see a guy named Hector. One of my sister’s friends. He must have just walked in.

I turn to face him. “Hey…” I say without much enthusiasm.

I wasn't fond of him at all. He was a guy who didn't seem so nice, and had a record for hanging with bad crowds. I just didn't like that my sister was even friends with him.

“Sorry about your sister. Anna was a good girl.” he tells me.

“Thanks,” I am clearly giving off the vibes that I don’t want to continue this conversation. I start to walk away and he grabs my shoulder.

“Hey, we’re not done here.” He says very cooly.

At this point I was annoyed. Touching me was something you don't do. It makes me feel sick, and if I’m not comfortable with you, it’s even worse.

“So your sister, she took some money from me for some… services, and since she’s dead, I want the fifty dollars back.”

“Services?” I ask a little annoyed, and a tad confused.

“Stop pretending like you don't know shit, yo.” He said starting to get angry.

I must have had this baffled look on my face.

“She was a slut, man. She took money for favors.” He laughed.

I stood there, wide eyed, and I had no words. The anger in me rose quickly when his words settled in.

“How dare you… HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!” I shout, scary loud.

“You need to calm your ass down. I just want my money, and I ain't letting it go.”

I begin to walk away, not knowing what else to do, and he pulls me back, I can’t do this right now. I am too distressed.

“Yo, I ain’t playing. Even if you have to dig up her dead body, I better have my money the next time I see you.”

He walks away and I stand there until he leaves.

Did he just say that? IS HE SERIOUS?

I feel every bit of my body shaking and then I don’t remember a thing.

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