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I sit alone for the rest of the period watching him. Great, now I'm the creep.

Math and Econ fly by, mostly because my mind is distracted and I'm not really there.

The bell rings for lunch and everyone races to the door. I'm not in too much of a hurry, but I am starving.

I walk towards the cafeteria and I see Luke, the guy who defended me in the principals office.

Would I be bothering if I approached him? He's with a guy who looks familiar. 

I change my route to pass them, and he spots me.

"Hey there!" says Luke enthusiastically.

I freeze. I didn't expect him to be that excited... or loud. I look around a bit, and it brought some attention towards me for sure.

I slowly walk the rest towards him and the guy he was with  smiles at me. I know him. 

"James, right?" hoping to god I was right.

"Yeah! We've had classes and t together since middle school!" he said.

"Please, take a seat." says Luke pointing to the extra space on the bench.

James was on the floor and there was plenty of space on the bench.

I go over and sit and try not to overthink whether I was worthy or not to sit next and near them.

"How has your day been so far?" asked Luke, genuinely interested.

I frown and remembered the P.E. incident.

"It happens." said James, adjusting his glasses.

I nod. 

"So I heard Luke saved your ass yesterday." he added.

I look at him, then to Luke, I nod.

"Thanks for that, I really appreciate it. I don't know what really happened."

"You literally jumped on his back and starting rolling around til you got on top, and started punching him. He tried getting you off, but it's like, you were in a blind rage. It was nuts. I pulled you off. How I did that? I've no clue. It's like you knew I was friendly and trying to help. The security came, and took us all in. You were off. The lights were on, no one was there. I think you woke up in the office in front of Keiger."

I stared at Luke. I then looked to James and he gave me a small sad smile.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? Why don't I remember that at all?" I say, feeling like I could fall apart.

"Awww, Andy, it's okay. Really strange things happen sometimes." said James.

I look at him a little shocked.

"I remember from classes, you like being called Andy. Also, this has happened before right?" he asked.

That was true. I've had these blackouts since I was a kid. Little things, sometimes fights would happen, and I wouldn't remember.

I'm really upset at this point. This is the stuff I try to forget.

Luke changes the subject, "So, what are you doing today after school?" he asked.

A sharp intake of air came from James. He did  it so dramatically, he choked.

I start laughing and Luke joins in.

After catching his breath, James begins giggling at himself.

"Well, fuck me." said James. 

"We're starting a Supernatural marathon tonight, and we were actually talking about making a party out of it. Only problem was, we don't really like people. You're cool though." said James.

"Oh. I've never seen it before." I say.

"What?! It's amazing! We're starting on season 4! I mean, we do appreciate it all, believe me, but Castiel was the perfect addition to the show!"

Luke says, lighting up.

"Oh, my Destiel feels are rising at the thought!" said James in a praising tone.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's what's rising..." Luke quipped, nudging James with his leg.

They give each other a look. This look makes me readjust my thought on their relationship.


I smile. "Well, I usually don't hang out with anyone, ever." I say.

"You should come!" said James.

"It'd be cool, we can go straight to my place after school." said Luke smiling.

Am I actually being invited to something? Could this be a start of a friendship between these guys? 

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