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I walk home with him after and he leaves me a block early.

We must have made out and talked for more than an hour.

The people around didn't bother, and nothing felt wrong. I walk into my house feeling dizzy standing still. 

I stand in the living room and my mom heard me come in.

"Hey baby!" she said and she handed me a piece of paper.

It was folded and it looked like a letter. I could see the faint writing from the other side.

I walk to my room opening it, not asking my mom anything about it, still in a daze.

I start reading it.


I know you're probably angry with me for getting you mixed up will all my issues. James was out of line today, and I want to let you know all my intentions with you were purely friendly. He has this crazy idea that I am in love with you and that is why we broke up. As if his actions and attitude had nothing to do with it. I hope we can still be friends and I'll pick you up tomorrow. Expect me at 7 am on the dot.

Thanks for being a good friend.


I stood there in the hall and I sighed deeply. Then it hit me, did my mom read this? How did she get this letter?!

I walked back to the living room and my mom was now with my dad who came out of the garage.

"Did you get your letter, Andres?" my dad asked sweetly.

"Your mom got it earlier from one of your friends who came over." his tone was friendly with a hint of acidity.

I was afraid.

"Are you in love with him? Does he love you?" he asked, even sweeter.

I can feel the dread throughout my whole body. I can barely breathe. I know it's coming.

He grabs the lamp off the living room end table and throws it at me. I dodge it and I start running to my room, he's after me and I look back. to see if he was close. and he was. He grabbed me and hit me against the wall. 

"YOU BELONG TO NO ONE BUT ME, YOU PIECE OF SHIT. YOU'RE MINE." he shouts at me and started hitting my face. I try pushing him off me and he gets a good one in.

Why am I not blacking out? 

"Let's see if your boyfriend Luke likes you like this!" and he throws me on the floor.

I don't fight back, and I don't know why. I don't want any more of this. I want to die. 

After those thoughts, I black out. I feel nothing.

I woke up in the middle of the night and I was in bed with nothing but my underwear on. My mom must have taken my clothes to wash the blood off. I remember a fight, and I feel sore, and hurt all over.

I put something warm on and crawl back in bed. I want to sleep it all off, and I don't think I've slept enough.

In the morning I woke up earlier than I usually do.

I take a shower and try to wash away the sad.

I get out get ready and it's almost 7 am.

I am not ready for Luke to come over. I'm afraid of what my dad will do. My mom told me my father was still asleep. I hope he comes before my father wakes up.

This is the type of day I stay home on. I feel off. I walk outside and wait for him, making sure to close the door quietly. It's a few til and he's still not here.

Dammit, Luke. You and your timeliness.

I hear the door behind me and my heartbeat quickens. I turn and see him in his robe. This is not what I need.

His eyes are blood red.

Seeing him, and his wicked smile frightens me.

A car turns in, but I don't break eye contact from my father who is looking right at me. He starts to walk towards me and I finally turn around, and I see Luke in the car. He sees my face.

He starts to get out of the car, but i walk past my dad who made it beyond me. I jump in the car and tell Luke, "Get inside!"

He gets back in and my father starts banging on the car.

"JUST GO!" I tell him. I think i am in tears at this point.

I start hyperventilating and i cover my face, I can feel Luke speeding away.

What do I do? How am I supposed to ever come back home? He'll kill me for sure. In this instance, I feel like I have no home.

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