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The day was worry free and my first four periods went well. Ms. Robins in first had a relaxed day with minimal work. Jeremy and I talked and Ms. Robins joined us in our chatter. I don't want to say we're her favorites, but she did keep extra attention on us, I did appreciate that. I needed that.

Second period, third, and fourth went well, and lunch was really fun. We walked around for the period joking around. I guess James and Luke worked it out. I could still feel a little tension coming off them, but it wasn't overwhelming.

After school we didn't make plans, but I went home with Jeremy walking.

When we got to the apartment we chilled with Greg and played card games for a bit. Greg left an hour later to "handle business" and that was understandable. As much as I would love to hate this guy, he's not that bad. Jeremy and I had some time alone where we lied down and heard music from his phone. We would hold hands for moments and it was nice. He kept his distance, and I appreciated that.

This routine went on for a week. Something that surprised me was, my parents never looked for me. They never showed up at the school. My fear rose every single day that they would. At this point, I'm pretty confident that wont happen, but there is always a chance.

It was the weekend before Valentine's day, which was on Thursday so Jeremy and I decided to go shopping for some candy to make treat bags for Luke and James.

"Too bad we can't put the candy James' prefers in his bag" Jeremy joked.

I smiled, but I didn't like that joke. 

There were a few things I have been noticing about him that bothered me. I couldn't look at Luke for more than a few seconds. He has this idea that Luke has feelings for me, and I needed to keep a distance. Jeremy would get pissed if I didn't smile or laugh at his jokes, which was lame because he wasn't that funny.  Just little things got to me. He was still really cool.

I appreciated him very much, and was grateful to him and Greg.

I no longer slept in the bathtub, instead on the couch in the living room.

I was getting better. 

In the store we found some sour candy and chocolates. Jeremy was picking a couple out and I turned to look at the valentines. One Direction valentines... the boys would get a kick out of this. I grab the box and show Jeremy, he giggled and talked about his favorite one. He asked me who my favorite was and I knew that was a trap. "I don't know." I said simply.

"ANDY?!" I hear a voice from down the aisle. I knew who's voice it was my mother's.

I turned to see her running down the aisle abandoning her cart.

When she reaches me she holds me in an embrace, a tight one.


She went on and on, and the scent of my mother was comforting, and her love permeated through me as we held each other.

As much as I missed my mom, the bad memories start flooding in again and I break away from her. and I look at Jeremy who was shaking his head. 

"You can't go with her Andy. It's not a good idea." he said, already knowing what was going through my mind.

"HE'S MY SON, YOU STOLE HIM!" she yells at him. I've never seen my mom like this.

"Mom... I don't think I can go back. I can't..."

I tell her, feeling sorry.

She looks right at me and she pulls up her sleeves.

Cut after cuts, and my heart sinks.

"Mom... why?" I say on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry I need you, mijo. I need you more than anything, and I can't lose both my kids." I am nothing without you baby."

"What about dad?" I ask, having difficulty caliing him that.

"He left me! He said he was leaving me, and I'm all alone. I can't do this alone. Please."

I look around and people are looking at us and Jeremy is frozen, staring at my mom with tears in his eyes.

"Jeremy... I have to help my mom... If my dad is gone, it's our chance to be without him."

Jeremy nods his head.

I leave the store with my mom and when we get 'home', it feels cold and empty.

Everything is spotless and I can tell my father isn't here at all. It's a clear and dead feeling I get from the house now. I don't like it.

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