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I come to and a conversation lulls in. I am sitting in the principals office.

I see Hector in the seat next to me angry, bloody, and staring right at me.

I feel someone beside me and it’s the guy who was brushing his teeth. He’s talking to the principal, Keiger.

“But Principal Keiger, it has to be understood that what he was saying was not right. Anyone who has recently gone through grief, is subject to extreme emotions, especially if said grief is still a gaping wound.” The guy beside me says.

Keiger sighs deeply and looks over some folders in front of him. “Hector, I see you have had some quarrels in the past?”

Leaving his death glare at the mention of his name he says, “None of that matters though, man. He attacked me, it’s not fair if I get in trouble.”

“You fought back, that’s reason enough. Violence with violence solves nothing, young man.” Said Principal Keiger, switching focus on folders.

“Andres, what do you have to say for yourself?” he looked above his eye glass placement, waiting for my response. I answered with the only thing that made sense to say.

“What happened?”

With no explanation and an in school suspension, I was ordered to take slips home after school to see the counselor.

The boy who was defending me got sent to class but not after telling me his name was Luke, and we’d speak again. Hector was in school suspended as well. They thought it was wise to keep us apart.

I reported the small office in the “S” building where I was told to shred papers, staple things, and write an essay about what happened.

My essay, needless to say, was not completed being as I have no fucking clue what happened. I was told to turn it in tomorrow.

After school, I began my walk.

Before I could remember, I started having these blackouts. Some would end in violent things having happened, others with large time lapses. When I would ask my mom or dad about them, I would get the same type of responses. “You were tired.” “Nothing happened” Or “Stop lying, you remember everything.”

When I got to my home, I went down the hall, dumped my things and went for a snack.

I walk to the kitchen and I feel a heavy blow on my back.

I stagger a bit and turn around. It’s my father.

“I heard what happened at school today.” He looked frightening.

I don’t say a word. I have no clue what to say. He scares me and I don’t want to say the wrong thing.

“HUH?! Did you hear me, you piece of shit?! WHAT HAPPENED.”

“I don’t know.” I say, almost at a whisper.

“You god damn well know! This attention, we don’t need it right now!” he shouts at me.

He is wearing a gray undershirt, and a pair of stained painters jeans. His hair is mid length, and he’s as tall as me, with a beer gut. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he had a few drinks in him right now.

“Dad, I don’t know, I’m sorry.”

“You’re always fuckin’ sorry.” He comes near me and I put up my hands in defense.

“O’ho! You think I’m gonna hit you?”

I angered him. I close my eyes tight and I am on the floor before I know it.

I fade.

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