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Ms. Robins checks up on us a few times, and understood my hesitation on re-entering the classroom, so we stayed outside the whole time.

When the bell rang, Jeremy and I walked together for P.E.

He's really short and slender, and I feel like a giant next to him. I am tall, and thicker.

When we get to the gym we go in and I have no lock, no clothes to change into, nothing. I part ways from Jeremy and I go to the window in the locker room and let them know what's going on.

They give me loaner clothing and I get to keep my shoes.

Walking outside to line up I see him there already. His clothes look baggy on him.

My clothes had 'L' written all over them.

We were instructed to stretch then run 2 laps.

My cheeks were pink at the end. Jeremy was perfectly fine.

We were given handouts on health and then we were dismissed for the last 10 minutes to dress back.

"Hey!" said Jeremy approaching me while I checked everything back in. "Do you have a cell?" he said holding his in his hand.

We exchanged numbers and part as the bell rang, making plans to hang during lunch. I was excited to introduce him to Luke and James, who I was anxious to see at lunch.

When it finally happened and I heard that bell ring, I sprang from my seat. I got a text from Jeremy as I was waling out of the building. 

"Where are you? :D"

"Heading towards the quad fountain, meet me?"


Which I looked at for a bit until I realized it meant 'On my way.'

I saw him while I approached and I smiled and waved.

"I'm meeting some other friends I made, want to come?" I asked, hoping he said yes.

"Sure! Let's go!" and he followed me past the quad to a bench a little outside it.

There they were. Throwing what looked to be chips at each other, laughing.

I approached them, and James froze.

"What the fuck?" he said looking at Jeremy.

I looked at Jeremy beside me and he had a sour look on his face.

"You guys know each other?" I asked.

"You can say that." said Jeremy.

"Tell your brother to stop fucking blowing up my phone." said James.

"I would if you'd pay him, and you weren't such an asshole." Jeremy replied.

"Fuck you, dude." was James' response.

I feel really awkward and I look to Luke.

He smiled and raised his eyebrows. 

"This is Jeremy, we have classes together..."

"I know them." said Jeremy. "I'll text you later." then he walked away.

"Dude, he's bad news, I'm warning you!" James told me.

I sigh and sit down with them.

No other explanation is given, but I receive another text.

"I'll explain later." from Jeremy.

"You should take down our numbers." said James. I had a feeling he knew that text was from Jeremy.

I got their numbers down and we parted after lunch.

I had my last classes and headed off the campus.

"Want a ride home?" from Luke.

"Sure, parking lot?" I reply.

"Yup! Same-ish area." he texts back.

I walk towards the parking lot and I get another text.

"Where are you? Want to hang out?" from Jeremy.

I reply, "Sorry, omw home, later?" I felt like an asshole.

I get to the parking lot and I see them. I wave and I hear the beep from my phone go off. Another text is waiting for me. I ignore it for now.

"What's up dude!" said Luke. James waves and opens the door for me. We all get in and I look at my text from the back seat.

"K." was the reply from Jeremy.

Something about that single consonant didn't sit well. I felt like I upset him.

Luke blares the radio as we drive off. 

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