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After Lunch ended, the school day couldn't end soon enough.

I was looking forward to hanging out with Luke and James.

My sister usually had her group of friends, and I would lurk around until I got bored and went on my own.

I met them in the student parking lot, where they were waiting for me by a beat up little Toyota.

"Yo Andy! Get your ass in the back." said James hitting the top of the car.

I laughed and got in behind the passengers side.

They both got in and we rode.

We were driving for about five minutes in silence when we drove into a driveway of this very nice home.

For the location, these houses aren't bad at all.

We all got out and we went to the door. 

Unlocking it, Luke turn and gives us a smile.

He pushes it open and inside is a very clean home. We walk in and I can see plastic covers on the couches, and plastic runners throughout the house. Cream carpet and white walls. 

It's too clean. I felt like my very presence would dirty it.

"Follow me guys." Luke says, and we follow him down the hall.

We enter his room and it is unlike the rest of the house that I've seen.

Christmas lights, show posters, tye-dye pillows and blankets, and a neon green bean bag on the floor. The was so colorful, and it felt warm.

There was a nice sized tv on the dresser and a collection of dvds stacked next to it.

"I'll go grab some snacks!" Luke says, exiting the room. "Make yourself comfortable!" he adds from the hall.

James sits on the bean bag, and I find a pillow on the floor and sit.

I curl up with the pillow for comfort and I look over at James who was pulling something out of his pocket. It looked like a little bag of weed.

He opened it up and sniffed it.

"Mmm..." he said pulling out some. He started tearing it apart and the smell of it was strong.

I've never done any type of drug before, or even drank.

Luke walks in with a 2 liter, some cups, and a bag of chips tucked under his arm.

I guess I looked upset. He looked over at James and said "Hey, did you ask if he was cool with it?"

"Oh shit, sorry Andy, is this okay?"

I sat there for a second thinking about whether my answer would have me lose these friendships faster than I made them.

"It's alright, I don't mind." I said.

"You sure?" James asked.

I nodded my head with a smile.

"Alright," started Luke, while placing the things down with me, "Let's get this marathon started!"

He walked over to the TV, and put on disc one, season 4 of Supernatural.

I've never seen his show before. The characters were awesome, and the supernatural stuff, I liked.

After about the 4th episode I felt so heavy. James continues smoking, taking some breaks in between, the snacks were gone, the soda finished, and we were too lazy to move. 

We were all laying down in our spots- James on the bean bag, Luke on his bed, and me on the floor.

I just remember falling asleep laughing, or maybe just smiling.

When I wake, the christmas lights are still on, and I feel disoriented. Where the hell am I?

Then I remember. Oh. What time is it?

I reach in my pocket for my phone. 7 missed calls.  5 voice mails. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 3:42 am.

All the missed calls were from my home.

I look around and no one is in here with me. I get up from the floor, pick up my backpack and open the door to peek outside. I see Luke and James down the hallway. I walk towards them and I could feel the tension, it looks like they were fighting. It's none of my business, so I don't ask. 

"Hey! You looked really comfortable, I didn't want to wake ya." said Luke with a half smile.

"I was actually really comfortable." I told him, truthfully.

"Do you want a ride home, or is it too late? You can stay." he said.

"Might be a good idea to go home. I had a bunch of missed calls and voice mails. My mom is probably worried.

We pack up in the car, and we drive with the radio on. It was a talking station, which I didn't mind.

We made it to my house and I see someone on the lawn.

"Oh my god is that a dead body?!" asked James.

"I wish." I said under my breath.

They giggled.

I got out of the car. I waved at them, and they drove away. 

I walked up to my dad and nudged him with my foot.

He groaned and woke up. He looked up at me, and asked, "Did you just get home?"

I start walking away. Damn. I should have left him.

"What time is it?" he asked getting angry. He's on his feet now following.

I walk in the house and I see my mom on the couch holding one of my sweaters.

I am pushed from behind and I fall over.

My dad is a big guy with some strength. I turn to face him from the floor and his eyes are bloodshot red. I'm afraid. I start breathing heavy and I'm gone.

"I love my boy.

Don't ever scare us like that again.

Me and your mom thought you were never coming back, mijo."

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