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We headed to P.E. and the exercises were brutal. They had us do a marathon-like run that Jeremy insisted I kept going with him, even after my exhaustion hit.

We parted ways after the period and I couldn't really focus the rest of the day.

When lunch hit I needed to do something to refocus myself.

I passed by the old bench and no one was there. I went to the lunch line and got food. I was alone for lunch for the first time in a while.

Luke, James, and Jeremy, were no where to be found. 

With Jeremy, I think we needed some space and James, I was kind of afraid of finding him right now. Luke is who I'd like to see, if anyone.

I started walking towards the bench after I got my cardboard like tray and James was sitting there alone.

Damn. I started walking away but he spots me.


I can here 'OOOOOOs' all around me. 

Fucking high school, right?

I turn and see him quickly approaching.

When he reaches me he smacks my lunch tray on the ground.


We are super close, and I feel a fight coming.

"You have some nerve!" he shouts back.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You stole him from me. It's your fault we're not together anymore. He fucking broke up with me, and then I see him with you the next day? That's hella shady if you ask me!" he says right in my face.

"Are you fucking insane?!" I ask him.

"What the hell is going on?" I hear Jeremy from behind me.

"He's cheating on you, idiot." James shouts at Jeremy.

"I'm not with anyone, what is going on?" I say, confused.

You would think that this is making some sort of sense, but honestly I didn't know what was going on. My head feels dizzy. I don't feel good.

I start to fade away and when I wake I am on the ground with Jeremy by my side.

"Did I black out?"

"You fucking fainted, dude." I hear James, I look and see him next to Luke.

"Luke saw us and came over, but you fainted before he got here. Too bad, he would have caught you, huh?" said James.

It is then I feel the back of my head pulsing.

I start standing up and I stumble a bit. People are watching us.

I look around and feel really embarrassed.

"I need to go." I say, walking away.

"Where are you going, Andy?" Jeremy asks.

"I don't know, but I know I don't want to be here right now. Nothing makes sense anymore.

I hear them trying to call me back, except James, and I just continue walking.

I end up hiding in a bathroom stall.

After lunch, I go to econ and finish ahead of time. I tried putting my focus into the class work and I was left with time to think. Great.

Art, my last period I felt uninspired and it doesn't help that the teacher stifles any creativity that is not in his box.

I walk home after school for the first time in a while.

I needed to clear my head, and the walk did quite the opposite.

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