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Joshua was gay. Among all of his close friends, only I knew that he wasn't straight. But what I didn't know was that he had a boyfriend. And what I also didn't know was that they broke up.

"You didn't tell me you got together with someone!" I stated, surprised.

Joshua shrugged. "He and I never talked anymore after I left Korea. I didn't even get the chance to say a simple goodbye to him either..."

"Who's he though?"

Furrowing his eyebrows, Joshua sighed. "He's someone called..."


I gawked. "Wait, Jeonghan? As in, Yoon Jeonghan?"

Joshua nodded at me, stunned. "Yeah, do you know who he is?"

"H-He's g-gay???" I repeated, shocked at what my holy ears have just processed into my not-so-holy mind.

Joshua nodded.

"B-But. He was my ex!"

Joshua's jaw dropped and he stared at me in utter complete shock. "So you're the girl? He told me that he got together with a girl and then dumped her after dating for a year. And he even said that it was because he-"

"hOLDDDDDD iTTTTTTTT. Gimme a second," I said, deeply inhaling with my eyes shut. "Okay. Jeonghan is gay. And I didn't even know."


I didn't even look at Seolhyun.

Her eyes were narrowed towards me, her arms folded. "Why are you letting that whore affect your personal life? What about our wedding?"

I sighed and turned away, still lying on my bed. "Go away, Seolhyun."

Seolhyun sat at the foot of my bed and I immediately moved away.

"Why do you keep ignoring me, Soonyoung? Why? I'm your fiancee, not that Jisoo person! Can you just pay attention to me for just once?!" Seolhyun flared.

"I keep ignoring you because I never wanted this marriage from the very start! I was in love with someone else, someone from my childhood," I wept, getting up from the bed. "And that was when you came along like some slutty shit you are. You wouldn't believe me, but I really hated you from the start. Just looking at you irks me!"

Seolhyun's lips parted, but no words came out.

"Are you happy now? Because I sure am! I'm tired of you pestering everyone that we need to get married! And if you like whining and complaining to my Father, then so be it! Just stick to him for the rest of your life and rant about me, because now I don't fvcking give a shit on what you do!" I said again, before walking out and closing the door loudly.


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