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"It's a total of 5 800 won." The cashier said, raising his head from the cash register as he smiled at me.

I sighed to myself as I dug out some money and handed the cashier the money. I collected my bag of cup noodles and my drinks and I walked away.

Just then, the cashier called out for me. "Miss!"

I turned to look, and he had went to me.

"Yes?" I asked, curious.

"Are you free later? I'm ending work soon." He grinned, holding out his hand. What, am I supposed to bite it off?

"I'm sorry, but I need to go. It's getting late." I muttered, grabbing the cold metal handle of the glass door, when the cashier suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Let go!" I ordered, attempting to pull my hand away from the cashier's icy cold palm.

"Come on, Miss! Just give me ten minutes!" The cashier begged playfully, giving me a puppy face.

The whole convenience store was dead silent, so I assumed that there wasn't anyone here. I mean, who would even be here? It's 11pm for goodness sake. But that made me even more worried, what if no one was here to help me?

"No! I don't know you! You can't do this! So please let go of me, it disgusts me!" I ordered once again, but a little more sterner this time, tugging my hand away.

"Miss, come on! Just-"

"Didn't she tell you to let go, you filthy jerk?!" A sharp voice called out from a corner.

At the corner of my eye, I suddenly saw a young woman in a pale pink top swoop in from who knows where, with both her legs in a kicking position, and she kicked the cashier harshly on his chest, which caused him to tumble over.

I gasped loudly as I watched the young cashier tumble over and cry out in pain, but I was also thankful for the woman.

The young woman flipped her long hazelnut curled hair over her shoulder and trodded over to the cashier. She was wearing heels. That kick must have hurt. Kicking her heels off, she lifted up her leg and landed it on the cashier's stomach harshly.

"Ah! Please stop! I'm sorry!" The cashier begged in pain as the woman gave the cashier's stomach one last step before she put her leg back down into her heels.

"Get lost jerk! I'm not reporting you because we're never going to come back here again!" The woman huffed as she slipped on her super high heels and she grabbed me up from the cold marble floor, getting the both of us out from the convenience store.

Once we exited the glass doors, the woman immediately brought me to a nearby bench and sat me down.

"Are you alright? Did that filthy guy do anything to you?" She asked, concerned as she looked at me.

I shook my head. "N-no... Thank you so much, though!" I said.

The young woman smiled. She looked like she was the same age as me, judging by her youthful smile and her appearance.

"Don't you ever go to that convenience store ever again! That cashier is seriously desperate and perverted!" The young woman warned me kindly.

I nodded.

"You kicked him on your heels earlier, that must have hurt him a lot." I said softly as my eyes lowered to the woman's almost six-inch designer heels. How did she even manage to walk in those? And I thought that those five-inch heels of mine were worse.

The young woman rolled her eyes and smiled at me. "Don't worry, he deserved it. Jerks like him should actually get a life."

Standing up, the woman smiled at me.

"I'm Jung Seolhyun, by the way. It was nice meeting you!" she said, smiling sweetly, and she left.

I smiled back and waved to her. She's nice.


Pressing the doorbell, I tapped my toes impatiently as the door opened to reveal a dark-haired guy. He was wearing a loose and sleeveless black shirt and he looked sleepy as he rubbed his eyes.

"Jisoo? What are you doing here? At this time?" A confused Minghao asked as stared at me.

I blatantly raised the bag of instant noodles.


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