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Gyeonggi-do, 2011, 5.12pm

The teenage boy stared at the news bring broadcasted on one of the TVs in a television shop, his eyes fighting back his tears.

The car plate number of the car which has just met with a fatal car accident just two streets down his house. The sleek silver car which he once knew oh so well was now crashed. It's rear dented extremely badly, and its front barely even recognizable.

But he didn't care a single bit about the damaged car...

...but the people inside.

"A couple in their late 40s as well as two teenagers, a female and a male, have met with a fatal traffic accident down 13 Gyeonggi District. The couple, identified as Mr Jeon Jae Suk and Mdm Ri Jungwu, along with their two teenage children, who were identified as Jeon Wonho and Jeon Sooji, were about to make a direct turn to the other lane, when a large truck collided into their vehicle..."

"Sooyah..." The boy could only manage to choke out that word as he let warm tears flow down his cheeks as the reporter's video camera zoomed up to the passengers' faces, particularly the girl's.

Her once delicate and beautiful self was now overtaken by shreds of loose glass from the window, painfully piercing into different parts of her body.

"The family is now being taken to Gyeonggi General Hospital, where they will be warded. Police are now investigating the cause of this sudden tragedy." The reporter finished, nodding her head.

He ran.

The teenager turned around and ran, which wasn't the direction he was initially heading to. He was heading to the hospital the girl was at, as quickly as his legs could carry him.

He panted as he rushed to the reception counter.

"Jeon Sooji, 13, car accident, now." He huffed and panted. The young male receptionist gestured to the teenager's back.

Swiftly turning around, the boy caught sight of a familiar bloodied face, lying on the hospital bed. Doctors were shocking her with those shock pallet things that he didn't know of.

Dashing to the bed, the boy wheezed in pain as he watched the lifeless body of his first, and now last love, bouncing up statically as the doctors removed the shock pallets from her body repeatedly.

The boy slowly reached his bare hand towards the girl, and he continued crying as he felt an extremely strong static run through his finger, and up his arm, into his chest, right into his heart.

He started itching everywhere.

Glancing down, the boy widened his eyes in horror as his arm started swelling and reddening, red spots which he had never seen before emerging on him right before his very eyes.

He ran yet again.

Away from the people.


Gyeonggi General Hospital, 2011, 10.28pm

They were gone.

Her parents were gone.

The couple whom he used to call aunt and uncle were gone, leaving only their children behind, the girl and the boy.

Walking into the ward that the girl shared with his brother, the boy shuffled in and his eyes landed on the female doctor, who was running some tests on her.

"Doctor...How is she?" He croaked. His voice was hoarse and rough, and he was crestfallen.

"They are recovering well, however due to the strong impact that the car had on the girl's head during the accident, I'm afraid that she will a have permanent memory loss." The doctor stated, her eyebrows furrowing as she spoke.

He couldn't believe his ears.

"Per...manent? It's permanent? She won't remember a single thing? The people around her? Me?" The boy's voice cracked as he spoke.

The doctor nodded, walking over.

She held the boys hand and handed her a necklace. It had the initials KSY+JSJ=STARS engraved on a small metal heart. Her necklace. The necklace which he had given his first love on her birthday. The same necklace which he was wearing.

He groaned in anguish as he started feeling the same sting shoot through his body, as he glanced down, sure enough his arms were red and itchy, but even more painful this time.

The necklace slipped through the gaps of the boys slender fingers as he felt his blood pumping extremely quickly, and it landed on the floor with a gentle thump.

He dashed out of the room, deeply wounded physically and mentally.


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