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"I'm home..." I called out, and I thumped my handbag onto the floor loudly, and I could hear faint footsteps in the kitchen.

Wonwoo peeked out and folded his arms. "Jisoo. You're back. Where were you last night?" Wonwoo asked me, his tone and expression perplexed as he poured some water into a glass and handed it to me.

"Uh...I just went for a drink?" I shrugged.

Wonwoo huffed. "All by yourself? Dressed like that?" He questioned me once more, scanning me from top to toe repeatedly. Well can't blame him for that, I was wearing a short skirt and a white turtle neck, with my leather jacket slung over my shoulder.

Like come on, who the hell would wear normal clothes to a bar?

"You sure you went alone?" Wonwoo added, with an eyebrow raised.

If I don't tell him the truth, it's not like he will know right? After all, I'm awesome at lying.

"Yeah, I went alone!" I said cheerfully, grinning.


I pursed my lips and blinked.

Wonwoo reached for his phone from the back of his pocket and showed me a photo of me and Junhui and Minghao. We were posing for a photo at the bar, and I stood in between them, with my arm slung around Minghao's broad shoulder.

"Oh come on, they're our cousins and they just came back from China, and they merely wanted me to follow them to the bar." I whined, pouting.

Wonwoo sighed.

"That's not the issue here. You didn't even seek my permission to leave the house."


"Ah seriously, I can't even fucking stand to look at you now oh my God, go change your clothes Jisoo, you reek of alcohol..." Wonwoo heaved, sinking onto the couch with his fingers resting on his temples.


"Ah seriously, I can't even fucking stand to look at you now oh my God, go change your clothes Jisoo, you reek of alcohol..." I retorted, sinking onto the couch, exasperated.

Jisoo looked away and headed to the stairs.

I sighed. Just when is my sister going to actually get a life and grow up? She's a fresh graduate and she's jobless...

I picked up my phone and dialed Soonyoung's number.


"Hyung, I need your help." I sighed into the phone.

"What's wrong? You don't sound too good." Soonyoung replied with a tint of concern in his tone.

"It's my sister. You know, the one I told you a lot about? She just graduated from university and she's doing nothing but hanging out with our useless Chinese cousins."

Soonyoung paused. "Aaaaand your point is?"

"I feel bad saying this but, you're the young heir of like a huge ass company and your dad assigned you to the CEO position of the company, so I was just wondering if you could find her a job." I said, scratching my neck.

Soonyoung paused.

"I could try assigning her to work in my dad's hotel as a receptionist at the main check in lobby... I guess you could send her for an interview tomorrow at 10am?" Soonyoung offered.

"Thanks so much, I appreciate it, hyung." I grinned, and hung up the call.

I stood up and shuffled to the kitchen, grabbing a packet of chips from the countertop and ripped it open.


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