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"Ah okay, so what's my schedule for today?" I asked, bobbing my head.

"You have an appointment with...F?" Jisoo cocked her head in confusion.


She nodded her head. "The staff at the management room just typed it down as 'F' and passed it to me?"


Just then, it hit me;



But how come...

"Why did the office type it down as 'F'? There wasn't a name?" I asked, puzzled.

Jisoo shook her head. "Uh, no? A staff just told me that you're supposed to meet with one of the hotel's main sponsors? I don't know anything else..."

I nodded slowly.

It must be her.

God, the management staff do know me pretty well.


Glancing around the large conference room, I saw no one. Did Jisoo give me the correct conference room number? I glanced at a small slip of paper that Jisoo had written on. That's strange, it is the correct room.


A female's voice echoed against the walls of the conference room, and I gulped a little as I saw an armchair at the upmost platform spin around, revealing a young woman with lightly curled hair and a light pink top.


The girl stood up, smiling. As she started walking towards me, I could feel my skin tingling a lot stronger than when I was with Jisoo earlier.

Her eyes travelled to my exposed arms and she smiled gently.

"I see that you still have the same allergy-"

"Stay away from me." I spoke firmly, moving away from Seolhyun as her heels clicking upon every step taunted me even more.

"Soonyoung, I'm here as a business partner, not as your fiancee, you can't get uncomfortable with me." Seolhyun said as she stopped in her tracks.

I already had my back clasped against the wall as I breathed heavily, and my skin itched so much. Looking down, I was terrified at what I had become; my skin was nearly bloody read and it was spotted with dots and rashes.

I breathed heavily as my hand trembled to reach for the packet pill that I kept with me all the time.

Seolhyun was watching.

And I didn't care.

My reactions were the worst whenever she was here.

Popping the pills into my mouth, I gulped them down and breathed a silent sigh of relief as I felt the pain drain away.

"What do you want? Why do you keep appearing in the hotel every now and then?" I asked, pushing myself up slowly.

Seolhyun grinned and took out a few papers, sliding them out on the table. My vision was foggy but I could make out those two words.


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