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"Your health shouldn't be a concern at a moment like this. Your biggest priority is your marriage, it should never be your health." Father said coldly, then, he turned to leave.

He left me, shocked, and absolutely hurt.

My eyes stung as I felt a hot tear burn a line on my cheek. Why doesn't anyone even understand me?


"Hosh? Why are you here? Are you okay?" I asked worriedly as I saw my puffy-faced friend standing before me, with red eyes.

Before I knew it, Hoshi stepped up to me and grabbed me into a hug. "Wonwoo..."

"Let's go in and talk. It's cold outside." I said, patting his back.


"You're allergic to girls?" Wonwoo repeated, dumbfounded.

I nodded slowly.

Wonwoo shook his head slowly and showed me a look of disbelief.

"Why...How?" He asked.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you when the time is right." I said, my voice cracking a little.

Wonwoo suddenly burst into laughter and shook his head. "You're a really good actor. God, you should have just been an actor, people would love you!"

"Is your sister home?" I said sternly and softly.

At this point, if even my best friend is unable to believe me, I think now is the actual chance for me to actually show him.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay, let me call her down. Hold on." Wonwoo said, stiffling his laughter.


I glanced up at the sky. It was already way past nine and the sky was dark, but I could still see the shining jewels that were still displaying themselves, scattered across the sky. I never knew that stars were actually this beautiful, in fact I used to think that they were merely just...stars.

Just then, my phone rang and I reached out for it.

It was Junhui.





I cringed in disgust.

"Are you drunk? The both of you?" I asked, clearly disgusted.

"wHATTTT? uSSSSSS? dRUNK???? nO wAYYYY!!" Jun lauthed into the phone with an extremely weird accent.

"Oh that's a relief-"

"cAUSE wE'RE rEALLY dRUNKKKKK!!!!" Jun said once again, and when I listened carefully, I could actually make out loud music in Jun's background.

I rolled my eyes.

"Are you two at a club again?"


"Junhui, I'm not joking with you."

"wELL nEITHER aM i!!!!"

I sighed hastily and hung up the call.

God, they're both older than me but they're both so childish and immature. What did I even do in my past life to deserve those two lunatic Chinese cousins?

There came a knock from the door and Wonwoo peeked in.


"What now? Don't you dare irritate me now, Jeon Wonwoo. First its that Kwon Soonyoung, next its Junhui and Minghao, and now you? Are. You. Kidding. Me???" I scolded at my elder brother.

With a perplexed face, Wonwoo moved aside which revealed my terrib- I mean, wonderful boss.

"Aye, helloo. We were just talking about you." I saif awkwardly, pasting my fakest smile ever on my face. I swear if he cuts my salary after this I'm seriously done for.

"I heard." Soonyoung raised an eyebrow at me.


"I heard." I said, raising my eyebrow.

Turning to face Wonwoo, I took in a deep breath. "I'm ready." Then, I turned back to Jisoo.

"Walk towards me slowly." I instructed as I felt a tiny tingling sensation underneath my skin.

Jisoo stared at me.


"Just walk, towards me." I said firmly.

Jisoo took tiny steps and I quickly shoved a packet of pills into Wonwoo's palm.

"Shove these into my mouth later. You'll know when." I whispered, turning back to face Jisoo. She was now less than a meter away from me and the burning sensation got stronger.

I took in a deep breath and sighed slowly.

"Okay. Now slowly poke me on my arm and hold it there for three solid seconds." I instructed yet again.

Jisoo frowned. "Is this a joke?"

Wonwoo glanced at Jisoo uncomfortably, then he quickly turned and came towards me, quickly separating the distance between his sister and I. "I believe you, Hoshi. Please don't do anything stupid. Let's go." Wonwoo said, slowly dragging me out of the room, leaving a confused Jisoo behind.


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