Final - The Betrayal

211 9 25

Twenty eight left Thirteen for the Capitol suburbs. Three approach the center.

A message in the sky. The Gamemakers are waiting in the Presidential Palace's private theater. One rebel must be sent alone to negotiate with them. The Gamemakers themselves will be armed.

An abandoned cafe on one of the Capitol Square sidestreets. Until last week it played home to giggling dates between Capitol socalities and rich playboys, to lunch breaks for those fashionable enough to work in the center of the district, to hoardes of Capitol teenagers parading the newest fashions, a place bursting with life and gossip and the smell of freshly-ground District Nine coffee. Now it is home to the remains of the rebels' crack squad, propped against the counter and discussing the message. Outside, the last two bodies burn.

Enoch Torrence, Auriel DeFarro


The Gamemakers are preparing.

“You can leave, if you wish,” Alithia says. Kalea, inexpertly wielding a mace, shakes her head, her tongue stuck out of her mouth with the concentration of handling a weapon. Pandora tucks an ornate dagger, tipped with poison, into a pouch around her belt; her hair is pinned back out of the way in a crown of plaits. From the changing rooms she has acquired a case of makeup and her eyes and cheeks shine in the stage lighting. Her dress rustles as she wanders around the stage.

“They are no danger. The message was clear. One representative, to talk. If they even so much as look like they will attack they will be shot down.” Elpis' voice carries clearly down from the lighting galley above the stage and when his fellow Gamemakers look up, he tips his bow in acknowledgement. He is a calm, steady shot. He never misses.

Alithia flips open the catch of the heavy steel chest. “Only if we’re in danger, Elpis. Otherwise, do not fire. We negotiate first.”

“Negotiate?” Kalea sounds sceptical. “We’ve brought them all the way here just to negotiate?”

Alithia pauses from inspecting the contents of the weapons chest. There is already a sheath slung around her waist, tough District Ten leather with studded fastenings and no decoration, and after a second she selects a broadsword. An arm's length long, the hilt is a traditional basket designed to protect the hand and the blade is dull but sharp and radiates power. Weapon chosen, she slides it into the sheath and faces the Gamemakers. Kalea bobs on the spot out of impatience.

"Yes, Kalea. You underestimate the power of words."

"Cuts will close," Pandora says, sweeping to centre stage with her silver dress shimmering in the light. "Broken bones heal. But words can slash into the mind and no amount of ointment can cover the scars."

"Um. Okay then." Kalea gives Pandora a puzzled look and goes back to tracing patterns in the air with the machete, her tottering heels tapping out a rhythm on the stage. The screen has been changed; now it shows only the outside of the Palace, pillars shining in what remains of the evening sun, a lone figure approaching from the other side of the square. They stop, look up in amazement, take a deep breath. The movement makes their hood tumble backwards and for the first time, the spokesperson's features become visible.

"Predictable," Elpis snorts. Alithia shoots him a look. Acting superior has been the downfall of many and the upcoming confrontation must not be underestimated.


Kalea nods, her curls momentarily obscuring keen eyes and a perfect smile. Pandora merely lowers her head and touches a slender hand to the hilt of her dagger. Elpis notches an arrow into the bow in answer.

"Then let us hope that they are."


- Your tribute must face the Gamemakers in the theater - alone.

- Wait! It's not quite that simple. Your character has been called in for a negotiation with the Gamemakers. It is not a fight. And there's one more twist. During the course of negotiations, your character must deliberately betray the other rebels and switch alliegances to the Capitol. What will it take to change their strongest belief?

- Word Limit: none

- Deadline: 10PM BST Friday 8th August.

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