District Three - Male - Thorn Deen (LauraJae)

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Name: Thorn Deen 

Age: Forty-Three

District: Three

Appearance: Although a notorious black-market dealer and heavy-weight for his local peacemaker, he cares little in the way of his appearance. Many of his clothes are old and ill fitting to his tall, wide stature. Morbidly obese, he is not the epitome of natural fitness, but due to his job he finds little in the way of trouble; his arms and legs are heavily veined, a deep contrast to his bulbous beer belly. Neither handsome nor ugly,his greasy lank hair is slicked back into a ponytail at all times, tied with a thick peice of waxed string. The constant smell of tobbaco lingers around his person, especially that of his favourite brand, Amber. Thorn's chronic smoking habits cause him to wheeze heavily when doing sustained exercise of any kind. Due to his job as a heavy-weight he has no weapon of choice, but his high intellect allows him to become competent with most tools after only a few weeks of observation or practice. Though intelligent, he prefers to use his muscular demeanour to use tools that require brute force because they are often less complicated to use when attacking and defending.

Personality: Thorn is very much like his name suggests. With a hard exterior and habit of wearing the same trousers three days in a row, he's certainly a unique character. Seemingly stupid, he actually retains a high intellect and uses this image to his advantage, to secure his reputation. Cold and unforgiving, many avoid him as best they can, however he is deeply loyal to those who respect him, even with his short temper. With his short-temper, Thorn has one redeeming factor. He's protective over young children - especially those that look like his little sister, Amory.

History: Born into the slums of district 3, he's always been alone. Relying heavily on his reputation to survive after the deaths of his only remaining family members, Thorn has never had it easy. Taking a new name, demeanour and job after his sister's death, flashes of his past self remain.

Token: The spool of waxed string his sister used to make and he now uses to tie his hair.

Other: Although he may not hold grudges, he can certainly act another's grudge out. 

Author Games: Age of RebellionWhere stories live. Discover now