District Twelve - Male - Daniel Henderson (Ryusaki_Mai)

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Name: Daniel Henderson

Age: Twenty-three

District: Twelve 

Appearance: Daniel has a slender frame, but he is quite strong and very fast. His height ranges at 180 centimetres. He has bronze-coloured skin and ebony-black hair that sits in curls on his head. He has almond-shaped eyes and the colour of them is a light-hazel with tinges of gold. Daniel can be seen as quite handsome with his skin complexion that matches well with his eyes and hair colour. He has a strong jaw-line and a nose that is slightly crooked, but it can’t be seen unless a person points it out directly.

Personality: Daniel can be seen as a very shy person at first, but when a conversation starts, allowing him to deepen his relationship with others, then his utterly strong loyalty will show and he will stand by his friends no matter what. Daniel isn’t a very violent person, but when push comes to shove, he will risk his life in order to destroy the threat. If any of his friends were harmed, he would lose sight of his rationality and become truly enraged. Other than that, he can be witty and hilarious. He frequently tries to lighten the mood and make others see things in his light. He is incapable of hating others, but can dislike them and to a large extent, refuse to speak to that person. Daniel can also be very stubborn at times and argue with those who strongly disagree with him.

History: When Daniel was eighteen, he had to witness his twelve year old brother be chosen to fight in the Games. Frozen in fear, Daniel was unable to do anything to save his brother, therefore, allowing his brother to leave and never return. His brother was one of the first to die in the Games. After that incident, Daniel decided to escape from District Twelve and at the age of twenty, he ended up in District Thirteen. 

Weapon: Battle axe or knives.

Token: A dog-tag attached to the chain. His brother’s name as well as his mother’s is carved on either side of it.

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