Task One - The Square - Females

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DISTRICT ONE - Pyrite Mendelax

The Square is just like I remember it. The intricate fountain still centrepieces the area, but if you squint you can easily see all the bullet holes that would render it useless if it was actually working. The fairy lights were dangling up above too, but they aren’t quite enchanting like they were before. Raining gunfire has that effect. I would know, I’ve seen my fair share of gunfire.

Our communicators buzzed and Daniel, Ayesha and I held our hands to our ears to tune out the bullets.

“They’re still coming in, we need a base,” ordered the gruff voice of the girl from the Capitol.

“How about the bank?” Asked an equally gruff male voice.

“Too many cameras. No doubt they’re already hooked in.”

“Well what do you suggest then?” He asked again, raising his voice. Daniel looked over to me, lowering his arm. The three of us, though equally valuable as the rest of them, are more skilled in hand-to-hand combat so we thought hanging back in one of the dark alleys would be more help.

We tuned out to the bickering in our ears and focused on the question at hand. “So what do we do to help?”

“We can find a way to stop the flow of Peacekeepers a bit,” I answered, peaking around the corner of the building at the madness in the square. I had to duck quickly back to miss a bullet. I couldn’t tell if it was one of theirs or one of ours.

“I can scale the building if you want!” Ayesha piped up, eager to help. The building had a smooth wall, but a few sparse rungs stuck out. Enough for a District 10 girl to climb, easily.

“Okay, go ahead.” She practically jumped up, negotiating the wall like a spider might. It was unnerving to say the least.

“So what do we do down here?” Daniel asks. Always has a question, I swear.

“Not die,” I answered.

“Helpful,” he grumbled. I could barely hear him over the explosions in the air. Explosions…

“Ayesha,” I called as I held a button on my communicator. “Are all the Peacekeepers entering from one spot?”

“Yep,” she quickly replied. “All coming from that main-ish looking road thing.”

“Brilliant. Get down here quickly. I’ve got an idea. 

“So, what is it?”

“You’re going to blow up the Peacekeepers.”

“What!?” Daniel and Ayesha gasped.

“You’re going to blow up the Peacekeepers,” I said again.

“How would I do that?” Ayesha asked.

“With this.” I pulled a coin out of my sock and gave it to her. She frowned at me.

“It’s a gold coin,” I stated.

“Ah, but all that glitters is not gold! That there is a bomb.”

“No way,” Daniel gawked.

“Yes way. They gave me one in Thirteen.” That’s a lie. I stole it from the guy from District Three.

“How do I use it?”

“You say n-lock, three times in a row, and then boom! About five seconds later you have an explosion.”

She bit her lip. “I dunno, it seems confusing.”

“Come on, Ten! If anyone can do it, it’s you! I know it.” With that, her expression peaked up with determination and she turned back to the wall.

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