Paying for His Mistakes

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I finished reading this story today, at 5 in the morning, I just could not put it down, I needed to make sure the story did not end the way I was afraid it might end. No disappointment here.

Fact - I don't like werewolf stories, it's just not my cup of tea, that's why I pretty much avoided this story when it popped up repeatedly in "STORIES YOU MIGHT ENJOY" section of my screen. Moreover, the preview of the story simply does not do it any justice and makes it sound like any other cliche were-story, when it is anything but that!

It's not a love story, it's not even a hate story, it's a story of survival, of finding inner strength, of discovering ways of living with a broken heart and a baby on the way. Sarah is a great character! She is young, inexperienced and frightened, but she's good to the core. Conrad and Paul? Don't even want to speak about them, actually... anyway, this book is not about men at all!

By the way, have you ever met a werewolf story where no one actually shifts? Funny, right? There are plenty of other were-attributes, all these Alpha bloodlines, mind links, subordination and hierarchy, and other stuff, so if you like it, then you won't be missing out on it. But again, it's not the main focus of the book, again it's a book with a MESSAGE! The message that I like very much - be good, be strong, be honest with yourself, care for your friends and it will help you make it right with your life. You don't necessarily need a man to succeed.

Honestly, I cried a couple of times, and I'm sure that if you read this book you will too. But you'll be crying not because you are hurt or sad, but because you feel compassion for other people's misery, and so it will be a good kind of crying :)

I'm so grateful that there is no she-forgave-and-accepted-him-because-they-are-mates sh*t, no "happily ever after", I did not want it starting from chapter 2, I guess. But a small part of me hoped anyway...

I liked the book, I want you to read it! It will make you think long after you have already finished reading.

Bonus - the author promised to add some bonus chapters from time to time :)

P.S. This book somehow reminded me of "The Thorn Birds" and "Tess of the D'Urbervilles"... don't know why, just a feeling...

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