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After peeking inside the apartment, I decided to carefully close the door, and be quiet while taking my shoes and clothes off and going to bed. Anything so I wouldn't wake him up.

It was almost one in the morning; and I blamed Briana and the girls that I'm coming home – well, not exactly home – at this hour. I was also glad that he was asleep; we haven't had this happen, so I could only imagine his reaction if he saw me walking through the door nearly four hours after my shift ended.

I sighed as I noticed the TV was still on, and an empty bucket of chicken wings from KFC lying on the bed, right beside my half naked boyfriend of six months. He was almost sleeping in a sitting position, assuring me that he had fallen asleep during one of his hockey games.

Carefully placing the square box I'd brought home with me on a counter, I took the remote from his stomach and turned off the TV. I also threw out the empty bucket, before stripping down to my underwear and pulling one of his tank tops on, so I could finally lie down next to him.

I let out another sigh as I finally stretched out; I'd barely sat down since I left the place twelve hours before. Unlike most of my school mates, I'd gotten a summer internship; and while being indoors when it was hot outside was great, doing my boss' paperwork for eight hours five days per week was like continuously taking tours of hell.

When my legs didn't feel like they were going to fall off my body anymore, I turned to the side, aiming to carefully place my arm over Liam's chest and fall asleep like that, but I failed once he made a jerky movement and took in a deep breath. That still didn't stop me from wrapping my arm around him and lying my head on his chest, though.

I felt his hand on my shoulder blade, before it slid down to the small of my back. "Hey," He said in a quiet, croaky tone before kissing the top of my head, making me smile. "I tried staying up to wait for you, but you were gone for a long time."

"I'm sorry," I said, my words muffled by his shirt. "I thought we were going to be out for only an hour or two at most, but... yeah. Sorry."

Liam chuckled, and pulled me closer to him. "It's alright, I told you not to apologize when it's your friends." Then there was a silence for a few moments, "It was just them, right?"

"No, there were male strippers and firefighters and we couldn't tell them apart," I replied in a flat tone, and tried finding a more comfortable position as he laughed lightly. "Of course it was just them."

"Okay, that's all I needed to hear," He sighed and kept quiet for another minute or so. "What's the time?"

"It's past midnight," I smiled, "Happy birthday."

"Oh. Right." Was all he said, but it was enough to make me laugh. He hadn't been excited about turning 21 since I brought it up a couple weeks before, why would he be now? "Did you get me anything?"

"Actually," I began as I felt him shifting his weight toward me, "I got you a cake."

He stopped moving when he was half way on top of me, and gave me a puzzled look. "Did you get me cake, or... did you get me cake?"

I laughed again as he continued getting on top of me; he hadn't changed one bit since I met him almost a year ago. "No, I actually went to a supermarket after work and bought an actual cake, then I asked the bartender at the bar Briana brought me to if he could put it in a freezer or something. And then I almost forgot it."

"Mhm," He hummed against my skin, probably not hearing a word of what I'd said. "Fascinating. Is there anything even more fascinating than that?"

I glared down at his head as his lips found my collarbones, "I don't know." I licked my lips, becoming just a little nervous when a question popped into my head. "What'd you do if I told you that I'm pregnant?"

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