Chapter 18 Part 4

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{Colin's POV}

A month goes by and I'm not gonna lie, I miss Demi like crazy. I currently have a break. I don't start back up training camp till the end of July. I've done all the rookie camps and everything. So what's left for me to do, is just keep working out and study the playbook. I'm not sure if I'm a starter or back up. It's anybody's game and I'm just trynna prepare for it. I really haven't talked to Demi this past month. I've been to busy to try to rekindle anything that we had, and I'm sure she's busy. As much as I wanna continue to be mad at her...I can't. Yeah she fucked up bad, but there's something about her that has a hold on me. I never told my parents about the break up and they constantly ask about her. I at least wanna talk to her, so I'm on my way to LA right now. It's kinda late but, I had to come. I land around 10:30 and catch a cab to her house. I knock and Dallas answers. "Colin.." She says with a surprised look on her face. "What are you doing here?" "I came to talk to your sister...she home?" "Not yet. She left to the studio and haven't been back." "...she's not talking to that dude is she. I don't wanna go up there and have a repeat of last time." "I don't think so...want me to drive you..." "No. The cab driver's still out there. Thank you though."

{Demi's POV}

After about 2 weeks of moping around, it became more of like depression. I hate what I did to Colin. I didn't go to the studio for 3 weeks. I just barely started coming back. So many of the feelings of depression from before treatment started coming back. What started as sadness from a break up became something more. No one knows. There have been times where I wanted to deal with the pain, but I look down at my wrists and see my tatto, and turn away. After everyone leaves, I stay behind and go outside on the balcony that I have from the room I'm recording in. I look over and sooo many thoughts run through my brain.


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