Chapter 6 Part 4

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We lay there and kiss instead of paying attention to the movie. Just being close to him makes me all tingly inside and Jesus I wanna do more than just kiss him, but I have to control myself cause I don't think I'm ready for that yet, and I'm sure he probably feels the same way. His phone starts ringing. "Hold up." He says breaking our kiss. "It's my mom.." He answers. They only stay on the phone for a couple minutes. "Everything okay?" I ask. "Yeah, it's fine. She just wanted to make sure we made it safely." "She knows I'm here?" "Yeah." "What does she think of me..." "She hasn't even met you.." "Yeah but I'm sure you've sent her a picture or something. Or I'm sure she's looked up my name to see how crazy I am." "Babe...chill out. Yes, I've sent her a picture of you. No, she doesn't think you're crazy. I haven't even told her about the whole treatment thing." "What have you told her.." "That you're a musician and you have thousands of fans and that you are something special to her son." "I'm special to you?" "Yeah, you are. I knew you would be from the day I met you." "Awwww baby..." I say then give him a kiss. "You're special to me too." "How special" "I'm here with you aren't I. When I could be in Texas, on my couch, in PJ's..watching TV." "Yeah. That's true. But I'm sure this beats being in Texas.." "It totally does." I say then give him another kiss. The next day we get up and get dressed and ready to go to his class. I put on jeans, the tshirt I got and sandals and put my hair in a ponytail. "You ready?" He asks. "Yeah." We walk out and start walking towards the school. "So will your teachers be okay with me being here." "Yeah. They won't even care that you're here. There's probably more than 100 people in here. You'll be fine." "I'm kinda nervous..." I say. "Don't be, you'll be fine." "Is this class boring?" "Ummmm it's a lecture class, so yeah." We get to the campus, and I didn't know he was so...well known. "We'll aren't you just Mr. Popular." "Yeah well when your the quarterback, win championships, and in a fraternity, everyone knows who you are." We finally make it to his class.

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