Chapter 14 Part 3

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A couple weeks go by and I've been in the studio probably 3 times a week. I'm taking everything slow. Before I was constantly working, never taking time to relax and it drove me crazy. But the biggest thing happened. Timbaland wants to work with me. One of the biggest and most iconic producers of all time. He's produced for sooo many artist and I just feel completely honored that he wants to work with me. I'm packing to leave Virginia, because that's where the recording studio is. My dad, my manager Nicki and my bodyguard is coming with me. We get to the airport and I'm texting Colin before I take off. I told him I'll call when I land and get settled into the hotel. After a long plane ride of nothing but sleep, we're finally here. I get settled into my hotel, and I'm not going into the studio till tomorrow evening. I get my laptop out and FaceTime Colin. He answers and his face pops up on the screen. "Hey babeee." I say. "Hey I see you finally made it." "Yup..finally. What are you doin?" "Nothin. Just packing for Atlanta." "Nervous?" "Not really. I'm pretty confident in myself, and it's just like a training camp." "Are there gonna be other people who are also gonna get drafted going too." "Yeah, a few others, but I'm not really worried about them. I'm just going to do what I gotta do." "And that's all that matters." "Yeah..I'm only gonna be nervous come draft day. I wish that you would actually be there with me on that day...but" "but what?" "But you don't wanna go public with our relationship so..." "We've talked about this." I say. "I know. I just hate that I can't show you off." "Show me off's not like you have a twitter or anything." "...I know that. But if I did, I would." "Well I appreciate that, but seriously once my Lovatics find out, and other blog sites, it won't just be me and you in the relationship anymore, and it'll get annoying." "I guess....well I'm gonna finish packing, I'll call you before I go to bed." "Okay." "I love you." He says. "I love you too."

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