Chapter 7 Part 2

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"Who was that?" She asks. "Nobody." "She didn't seem like nobody..." "She's nobody okay." "Yeah..okay. And I was born yesterday." "We used to talk okay. Almost dated, but we weren't as serious...not like you and I.." "Then why'd she ask you to come over tonight." "Man I don't know. I haven't talked to that girl in 2 weeks alright. Just chill out." "Maybe I should just cut this trip short." "What the fuck. No. Hell no. I'm tellin you, she is nobody. You trust me don't you?" "Yes. I trust you." "Okay then. Believe me when I say you're the only girl I'm focused on." I say stepping closer to her. "Fine. I believe you...I'm sorry for getting so upset about it." "It's okay...your jealous side is kinda cute by the way." I say then lean in for a kiss. "Please!" She says pushing my face back. "I was not jealous. At all. I just didn't like the way she totally ignored the fact that I was sitting across from you." She says then walks into the bathroom. "Don't get too comfortable...we still have one more class to go to." "Can I just stay here." "Not cut out for the college life." "'s just a little boring" "now you see how I feel." "Well you'll be done in a few months" "yup. Can't wait..." She walks out of the bathroom and sits on my bed. "What time do you have to go to class." "Not for another hour, I say laying down next to her. I end up dosing off and I wake up just in time for class. I get up and grab my bag and out my shoes on. "I'll see you in about an hour." I say then give her a kiss. "Hurry back." "I will." I get to class and half way in Demi texts me "hurry back. I miss you already." "I miss you more. About 30 more minutes." "I'll be waiting😉" the rest of class goes by quickly and I'm stopped by shayla as I'm walking. "So who was that." She asks. "None of your business." "She seemed pretty plain and basic to me." "You know nothing about her and she's far from basic. Trust me. I gotta go back to my 'basic' girl. Peace." I say then walk away and go back to my dorm.

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