Chapter 3 Part 4

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I go back up to my room and Marissa isn't in there, they're at the spa in the hotel. I get join them. "Well look who it is" Dallas says. "I'm here!" "Give us he a good kisser." "we didn't kiss." "you didn't kiss? What the hell y'all waitin on?" Marissa asks. "I just met him yesterday." "Okay...I've randomly made out with a guy at a bar one time, I think you can give the boy a peck on the lips." "Sorry, but he's more than just a boy. That's a man." I say. "Soon to be your man.." Dallas says. I roll my eyes and ignore her. A couple hours later, it's time for me to start getting ready for dinner. "Ditching us again" Marissa says jokingly. "Weren't you the one saying to go out with him..." "I was kidding...damn. Have fun." "Which dress.." I say placing them both on the bed. "The black one..." "K" I do my hair and make up and get dressed. Dallas and her friends come to our room. "You look beautiful" Dallas says. "Thank you." I look at my phone. "Shit...I have to be downstairs like now..." "Have fun!!! Don't forget to end the night with a big far kiss!" She says. I walk out. I go downstairs and he's waiting. "You look beautiful." He says. "Thank you. You look very handsome." "Ready?" "Yeah." He takes my hand and we walk out. We get to the restaurant and get seated. "So when do you leave?" I ask. "Tomorrow. What about you?" "Monday." "So would it be possible for me to come visit you in LA" "You'd do that?" "Yeah I had so much fun with you today, I wanna continue this. It may not be everyday, but I'll come visit whenever I can." "I'm not really worth all that trouble." I say. "but you are." He says then smiles. "Well I don't mind if you come visit." "Good, cause I will." We eat and leave. We get to the hotel and he walks me up to my room. "So I guess this is goodbye for now" I say. He takes my hand and pulls me closer to him. "For now." He bends down and we kiss. As soon as his lips touch mine, I feel something special and get lost in the kiss. He walks me against the wall. "Woah..umm" I say pushing him back a little. "Too soon." "Not at all....I'll see you soon." "Looking forward to it." He says. He waits till I walk in the room to walk away.

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