Chapter 13 Part 2

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{Demi's POV}
We get to his house. He grabs my bag and opens the door for me. We get got he door, he unlocks and opens it and we walk in. "Mom, dad..." "In here." His dad says. They're run the kitchen. "Smells good." I say. "Yeah my mom's an awesome cook." We walk into the kitchen. "'s someone I want you to meet. This is Demi. Demi these are my parents." "Nice to meet you Mr. Kaepernick." "Please, call me Rick." I smile. "And you can just call me Teresa. It's so nice to finally meet you." His mom says giving me a hug. "Nice to meet you as well." "We've heard so much about you!" "Oh yeah...what all did you hear?" I says icing colin a smile. "That you are making my baby the happiest young man alive." "Awww did you really say that." I say putting my arms around him. "It may have slipped out once...or twice." "Well if it isn't my little brother!" His brother says as he walks in. "Hey Kyle." He says and they give each other a hug. "Kyle, this is my girlfriend Demi. Demi, this is my big brother Kyle. And this is his wife Lindsay." "Hi nice to meet you both." His sister Devon and her husband George comes and we sit down and have dinner. They ask me a lot of questions. I end up telling them about treatment and stuff, and they took it a lot better than I thought. I was thought I was entering a complete judgement zone. After dinner me and Colin go up to his room. "Sorry about all the questions and stuff. I know it wasn't easy for you to talk about your issues with people you met a couple hours ago." "It's okay. The whole world knows my story, why your siblings are all settled down, what's taking you so long." "School, and I just haven't found the right girl, but that's slowly changing." He says then smiles at me. His mom calls us down. "She's probably made dessert and this is where she is about to show just about every single baby picture that she has of me to you...she's that mom." "Oh my god then what are we still doing up here. I wanna see them." "...and you're that girl." "Damn right I am. Lets go."

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