How You Met:- Pearl

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Working in a high end , classy beauty salon in the middle of the city had its perks. Many celebrities came in for appointments. Nails, hair , fake tan , you name it. I also helped style wigs so I had seen many a folk bring in their wigs and have me help to style and cut them , or even help to glue them on. I didn't have many appointments booked today and I was running the salon. My boss had the day off and I was used to running the salon alone. I wasn't expecting anybody this early morning , so I was sat behind the counter on the computer, ordering our hair dyes and nail polish. The bell of the door rang. The door shut loudly. I couldn't see who had entered the shop. I sat up bolt right in my chair and looked over my computer screen. Stood before me was a tall , long haired blonde. Her makeup was put on so beautifully. She had a white, tight dress on and high white heels. Around her arms was a pink, leather jacket. She didn't look like she needed my help at the salon.

"Hi there. How can I help you? Do you have an appointment with us today" I said chirpily. The woman didn't look amused by me.

"I don't have an appointment. I just need my nails done before I go to a show later today." She said in deep sort of voice. 

"Oh ok . What are you looking to have done" I said with a welcoming smile. 

"Just glue fake ones on and paint them" They said again. I smiled and pointed over to the spare nail tech table.

"Just over here, Miss uh , miss , uh?" I began to stutter.

"Pearl" She answered. She didn't have any facial expression. If anything, I think she was pissed off. We both sat opposite each other on the table. I began to set everything up for her. 

"Is there any specific colour you want?" I asked politely. She looked at the rack at the side of her. It was filled with all the colours you cold think of in varnish form. She stared for a moment and picked a dark green colour. She took it off the rack and placed it between us.

"This". She mumbled. I nodded.

"That's a great choice" I said happily. She didn't answer and placed her hands on to the towel in front of her as I began to shape , cut and glue on her false nails.

"What show are you going to?" I asked out of curiosity. And to break the awkward silence. 

"A drag show. Where I am the star" She said. She smirked at me. I looked up to look a her . Our eyes locked for a few seconds.

"Do I have something on my face?" She said glaring at me . My cheeks flushed.

"N-_No not at all. I have never been to one and I don't mean to be rude but you are beautiful" I said as I held her hand in mine , slowly painting the varnish on , my hands began to become sweaty with nerves as I felt her eyes burning in to me.

"You to" She said. My heart thumped a little. I'm not beautiful.

"Thank you" I managed to spit out. She giggled a little . 

"I like your jacket" She said to me. The jacket I wore wasn't part of the work uniform. It was a white, leather jacket. 

"Oh this old thing. I like yours better" I said looking up again at her leather jacket. It was slowly falling from her shoulders.

"This , is very , expensive" She answered. She giggled as she said it and smiled at me. She had a beautiful smile . I hadn't seen that from her since she had been in the shop. I finished the last nail. Neatly applying the last coat of varnish.

"There we are Pearl .All done" I said sweetly. She held her hands up to her eyes and smiled again. That white , sparkly smile.

"They are gorgeous , thank you. I didn't quite catch your name?" She said putting her hands down from her face,

"Oh I'm (Y/N)" I answered . 

"Can I request you the next time I come in here? I have another show in a few days and want to change the colour of my hair" She said. She put her hand up to her hair and stroked it down passed her shoulders.

"Of course you can " I smiled. She stood up from the table. I followed and we walked together to where the till was. She began digging through her handbag and passed me the money for her nails. I counted it but it seemed like she gave me to much.

"I am sorry. It wasn't this much" I said handing her back the extra money she had given. Pearl laughed a little.

"Its your tip" She said again with a smile.  A tip?

"Oh , why uh , thank you" I said. She smiled again at me and began to head for the door.

"Ill see you again (Y/N)" Pearl said. And with that she opened the door, shut it behind her and began making her way down the street. Her heels clacking the pavement as she walked. She was so beautiful. I didn't expect her to re request me.

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