How You Met:- Adore Delano (Out Of Drag)

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A few friends of mine had invited me to go to the fair that was a few blocks away from my home. I wasn't a fan of big fair rides but seeing as I had the day off work I decided to meet them there. As I got to the entrance of the fair, I saw my two friends waving at me from the entrance with an unfamiliar face stood next to them. I made my way over quickly and was embraced with a hug off the both of them.

"Hi guys how have you all been!" I said happy to see my two old friends Katie and Aaron.

" We have been great! (Y/N), this is Danny." Said Katie. The unfamiliar face smiled at me as I looked at him stood next to my friend. He wore a black leather jacket with a band t-shirt and black skinny jeans. He had messy, brown hair and a cigarette behind his right ear.

"Hi !" He said cheerfully with a smile. I smiled back.

"Nice to meet you" I said.

"We met in my band class. Danny is a really good singer actually! So we asked him to tag along" Aaron said as he turned to look at Danny. Danny blushed slightly.

"Well I don't want to blow my own trumpet " He giggled to himself.

"Shall we all head inside?" I said. Everyone nodded and we made our way in to the fair. The fair was crowded with people and there were so many rides. I could feel my nerves getting the best of me as I looked up at the roller coasters and the people screaming on them. Katie was stood next to me and linked my arm.

"He is quite cute isn't he " She whispered in my ear as she darted her eyes towards Danny who was walking in front of us with Aaron. I just giggled to myself. I had to hand it to her. He had something about him that made me feel drawn to him . We walked up to the first ride which was The Walzers. My belly churned. The smell of candy floss and hotdogs didn't help.

"Oh my god I love this ride!" Danny said jumping up and down excitedly. He grabbed Aarons arm.

"Are you coming on with me. Please don't leave me go on my own. " He said as he pouted his lip.

" I will be sick all over you! Why don't you Katie and (Y/N) go on?" Aaron suggested.

"No thanks! " Katie said put off by the ride. Danny looked over at me with the biggest smile I had ever seen. He was like a child in a sweet shop. I couldn't resist, even though I didn't like rides.

"I will go on with you" I said. He jumped up and down again with excitement.

"Party!" He shouted. We queued together while Aaron and Katie went and waited by a near by bench.

"This is so exciting!"He said while grabbing on to my arm. He linked my arm as we began nearing the ride. Danny had a very friendly vibe about him and he seemed such a sweet guy. I turned to him and smiled.

"I'm not really one for rides" I said. His face dropped and he put his hand to his mouth.

"Oh fuck! I am so sorry! And here I am dragging you on this ride. Oh babe I am sorry". He said. I laughed loudly.

"I will be fine " I said as I rubbed his arm that was still linked with mine. He sighed with relief.

"Thank god. I thought I was bringing you on against your will! " We both chuckled as we finally got to the ride. We clambered in to the empty bowl like seat and pulled the metal bar down over our legs. My heart began to race and I think Danny noticed. He placed his hand on my leg. My heart skipped as he did so. I looked up at him.

"You be OK doll " He said. I blushed slightly. I hardly knew anything about him and my heart was skipping.

The ride started and we began to spin around widely. I completely forgot who I was with and where I was that I began screaming at the top of my lungs, gripping on to the bar of the ride with my eyes tightly shut. I was so scared that I didn't realise I was gripping on to Danny's hand that was also holding on to the bar. I could hear him laughing loudly as I screamed like I was being killed. The ride began to slowly stop and I opened my eyes. Danny was still giggling. I turned to him.

"You alright? I don't think I have a hand left". He said I looked down to see my hand still on top of his and his hand was white where I had been squeezing. I pulled my hand away and blushed. The ride stopped and Danny stepped off first, he turned to me and offered me his hand as he helped me out of the ride.

"Fuck you scream really loud for a short person!" He laughed again. My heart skipped again as I watched him. We met back up with Aaron and Katie and began to wander around the park. We all went on different rides and spent half the day with tears of laughter as I screamed on every ride and nearly threw up on a kiddies roller coaster. As the day began to come to an end and the sun began to set we all found ourselves back at the entrance of the closing fair.

"I have had an amazing time " I smiled.

"I think I had the best time out of all of us . I have made some new amazing friends" Said Danny. He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. I nodded. We all gave each other a departing hug. As I gave Danny a hug I felt my jacket pocket tug slightly. I didn't think anything of it and we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. When I had walked out of site of the fair and my friends,I reached in to my pocket and found a piece of paper. I stopped walking and opened it to find number scribbled down. I smiled to myself


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