How You Met:- BenDelaCreme

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I had spent the last few days in a really beautiful , quiet hotel. I was here on business. I kept to myself during my time here. I came from my room for my breakfast in the hotels canteen and I came down for my dinner. I would then sneak away back to my hotel room to catch up on all my work. This night was a lot different from my other nights . On my way back up to my room , my eyes caught a glimpse of the hotel's bar. It was empty apart, from the low volume of the TV that was on the wall. The bartender was quietly clearing glasses behind the bar. I stood staring for a moment. It would be rude not to get at least one drink right ? I smiled as I began to walk slowly to the bar. The bartender had his back to me . I sat down on a stool at the empty bar. I coughed to get the bartenders attention. He turned around quickly. 

"Hi there. What can I get you" He asked sweetly , putting the towel he was using to clean the glasses , on the bar at the side of him.

"Anything strong" I answered. He chuckled. He turned and began to pour me my suprise drink. I rubbed my hand across the squeaky clean bar. I heard a door open and close at the side of me. It was the door that lead to where the elevator was.  I turned as I heard the clicking of heels. I was now looking at a beautiful woman wearing a short, leopard print dress and the most glittery , shiniest ,golden shoes I had ever seen. She quickly clip clopped over, her hands flailing everywhere excitedly.. She came straight over to the bar and clicked her fingers to the bartender.

"I need a gin and tonic" She said quickly. She turned to me and gave me the biggest , warmest smile I had ever seen. She raised her hand in front of her.

"Hi! 'Im BenDeLaCreme. Dela for short, De for shorter, Ms Creme if you're nasty." She said very ditsy. I smiled as I took her hand in mine and we shook.

"Hi I'm (Y/N)" I answered. She giggled putting her hands to her mouth.

"That's a very cute name!" She said. She was very over friendly and happy. I just stared at her beautiful figure and happy attitude. She was terminally delightful.The bartender placed a drink in front of Dela and me.

"There we are ladies" He said before turning back around to carry on with his cleaning. Dela took a sip of her drink and made a sour face.

"That is very strong!"She said giggling. I took a sip of mine and pulled the same face.

"Mine to. I wont drink anymore or I will have to be carried to my room" I said with a smile. Dela laughed.

"You be the one carrying me if I have one to many of these " She laughed. She was right. Anymore of these strong drinks and we will have to have help finding our rooms. 

"Are you here on vacation?" She asked politely.

"I'm here on business" I answered. She looked shocked.

"Business ? Ah ,I'm here for fun!" She said taking another sip of her drink.  I raised my eyebrow slightly. She laughed , tapping the bar with her nails as she did. 

"I am a drag queen! I have been doing a few shows around the town" She said happily. I smiled. 

"That is amazing! You look incredible " I said. She stood up off the chair and did a twirl , showing me her dress in all its glory.

"Why thank you! You are a peach ! " She said. She sat back on her chair and began to finish the contents of her drink. 

"Bartender, Sir. Another ?!" She said, causing the bartender to turn to her quickly.

"Yes Ms Creme?" He said with a wink.

"Oh nasty!" She shouted as she leaned over and slapped him playfully on the arm. 

"And one for this lovely lady here" She said pointing to me. I blushed as she smiled at me again. I started to reach in to my purse to fish out money for the drink for the bartender. 

"Oh no no! " Said Dela and she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Its on me !" She added. Her face inches from mine. She smelt beautiful. I looked down nervously as she let go of my shoulder. 

"Seeing as we have already broken the ice. I'm here staying at this hotel for a few more days. We could hit the town together. Oh heck what am I on about saying maybe. Lets go now ."She said excitedly. She stood up from the chair and took my hand in hers. I didn't know what to say. I didn't have any time to react. She pulled me off of my chair.

"Come on!" She said loudly pulling me from my chair and pulling me towards the exit of the hotel.

"But I have work to do" I said confused.

"Work , shmurk. That can wait! We are going to have so much fun!" She said. We were stood at the exit of the hotel, she linked her arm with mine as we were now stood in the cool air on the pavement. I couldn't say no, she seemed so lovely and friendly. I had to spend the night with such an interesting character.

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