How You Met:- Blair St Clair (Out Of Drag)

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"My hair is so horrible!" I shouted at myself as I ran a brush through my split ends. I sighed as I looked at my long hair. All the dyeing I had done over the years finally paid off and ruined my hair. I snatched my phone off the table and looked online for the closest hairdressers to me. I clicked the call button.

"Hello, Saint Clair's. How can I help?" Said the voice on the phone.

"Oh Hi. I need to book to have my hair cut? Like , asap" I said looking back at myself in the mirror and scowling to myself.

"Of course! Do you want to come in right now ?" Said the voice again cheerfully.

"Oh yes please!" I answered.



"Awesome ! See you soon!"

I hung up the phone and stuffed it in to my pocket. Lets get this show on the road. I exited my apartment and climbed in to my car. When I arrived at the hairdressers. I parked my car outside , exited and opened up the double doors to the hairdressers. A bell rung to alert the stylist. I looked around. The place looked empty. It was early so wasn't surprised there was no customers.

"Hi there ! " I heard from behind the counter in a male voice. It sounded like the person that I spoke to on the phone. I followed the voice and walked over to the counter.

"Hi I have an appointment?" I said politely as I looked over the counter.

"Of course you do. With me !" He said . He stepped out from behind the counter. He wore a cute denim style shirt and jeans . He had a hairdressers belt around his waist that held all his equipment. He smiled from ear to ear.

"I'm Andrew he said sweetly . He brushed his hand through his mousy brown hair. He was charming.

"I just need a trim" I said as I looked him up and down. He pointed to one of the empty hairdresser chairs.

"Take a seat. I will have you looking top top in no time" He said. I suddenly felt an aura about him. He was so polite and calm. I sat down in the chair looked up at him in the mirror as he placed a hairdressers gown around me to protect my clothing. He began to run his fingers through my hair. I blushed nervously as he inspected the knotty, split ends.

"Oh darling. This is nothing. I can be done within minutes." He said. I felt at ease as he began to comb my hair. So gentle. He began to trim the ends of my damaged hair. I watched as strands of hair began to fall on to the gown . I kept watching him in the mirror as he began to snip at my hair. Every time I looked at him he would look at me and we would make awkward eye contact in the mirror. I looked away with a flushed face. As did he. He was really cute though. So I wasn't complaining. He finished. My hair looked so much better.

"You have magic fingers" I said as I turned my head side to side to look at the haircut. He smirked. I caught another glimpse of him behind me in the mirror. I stood from the chair and walked with him to the till.

"How much will that be ?" I asked preparing to rummage my purse.

"Oh. Nothing " He said charmingly. My eyes widened. Free? He noticed my expression.

"You hair wasn't as bad as you thought. You look amazing. Please. I don't want to take payment. Besides, this is my business" He said with a wink. I melted a little.

"Thank you so much" I said with a smile.

"Anytime. Just make sure you come back again soon. You were a pleasure" He said. He was ever so sweet. I nodded. I will definitely be coming back here to see his face again.

"I will" I answered.He beamed back at me. And with that I left with a fluttering belly. I cant believe that just happened. And he was just way to cute.

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