How You Met:- Miz Cracker

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The day festival was coming to an end. The drag acts and musicians were heading backstage to empty the stage ready for the evening musicians and club music. The festival was an overnight gig and most people had brought camping equitment to stay the night. But of course. I didn't bring any. A close friend of mine , who accompanied me to the festival , had us backstage tickets to meet and greet with the queens and singers. We weren't planning on staying the night as I had driven us both here.We were standing in the queue behind the barrier waiting for the security to let us in. My friend, Amelia, knew most of the queens that had performed that day. She was very friendly with a handful of them.

"We have pemission to come back here! " Amelia snapped at the security guard.

"Girls , I cant let you back here , its hectic enough as it is , come back tomorrow or later on when it has quietened down." He said. Amelia was now loosing her temper.

"Cant you see these VIP lanyards around our necks? Do you know what VIP stands for ?" She said intimidating him. He sighed loudly.

"I do Miss , but you cant come back here yet" He said. You could hear in his voice Amelia was starting to bother him. 

"I have permssion! Its only us two ! Please just let us in" She begged. He stood up straight and gritted his teeth.

"Look!-_" He began to shout pointing at Amelia.

"Oh my god Amelia hi!" Said a voice from behind him. The security guard turned to look behind him . There was a tall, blonde girl stood behind him. Her hair was flowing down past her shoulders. A big , gleaming white smile on her face. She had a very bright , pink , PVC style dress on with big , pink heels to match. A long pearl necklace sat around her neck.

"Cracker hi!" Amelia shouted back excitedly jumping up and down waving.

"Why you just standing there?" She said confused. Amelia turned back to the security guard.

"Not aloud in. Its too full" She said sarcastically. 

"Excuse me , can you let these girls in? They are with me" Said the tall blonde. The security guard , without another word moved to the side , unblocking the pathway. Amelia ran at the unfamilier girl and hugged her tightly. They giggled together as they let each other go. 

"Whos your friend?" She said as she caught me standing awkwardly behind Amelia.

"This is my good friend (Y/N)"Amelia said proudly.

"Hi cutie. I'm Miz Cracker, spelt like the snack and the racial slur" She said raising her hand to meet mine . We shook hands. Her hands were glittering with rings. We separated and she looked me up and down. 

"Did you enjoy my act?" She said to me. I remembered her from earlier this afternoon dancing around the stage so crazily.

"Yes I did , you were truly amazing " I said . Her smiled widened.

"Thank you " She said putting her right hand to her chest as to indicate she was taken aback with my answer. 

"You girls want to join me in my trailer? Its just around the corner. A few of the other girls are waiting for me in there." Miz Cracker said. Amelia squealed in excitement.

"Of fucking course!" She shouted. Cracker laughed and linked Amelia's arm. She opened her right arm out as to indicate for me to take her other arm . I slowly walked over and linked her arm with mine. She walked us over to a small trailer that was parked with a load of others. Back here was where the musicians and queens were staying for the night. Her trailer was bouncing with loud music. Through the window you could see a few of the queens who were on the stage earlier dancing around the trailer.

"Oh they started without us" She said sadly. She laughed loudly as we got to the steps of the caravan. Amelia was impatient and wanted to be the first person in to meet the rest of the girls. She jumped up the steps and squealed excitedly.

"Hi girls! "She shouted as she walked further in to the trailer. I waited patiently for Miz Cracker to enter the trailer before me. She stood to the side of the steps.

"After you" She said sweetly. I smiled and walked up the steps in to the trailer. There were a few queens sat around on the chairs, drinking , lauging and having fun. Miz Cracker followed behind me. I stood in the middle of the walkway smiling nervously. So many queens I had never seen before. 

"Time for dinner!" She shouted loudly. All the queens laughed loudly and she slinked her way passed me. 

"This is my friend Amelia . Some of you already know her and this is her gorgeous friend (Y/N)" She said introducing me. The girls all waved and said their hello's.Miz Cracker walked over to the fridge that was situated next to her and pulled out three beers. She passed one to Amelia and then turned to me and handed me one.

"We party hard here" She said grinning as I took the bottle from her hands, she turned again to her side and opened the drawer of the cuboard. She held the bottle opener in her hand. She turned again to me and opened my bottle for me .

"Thank you" I said. She beamed. 

"Any time. Anything you need. Let me know. Have you got a place to stay tonight?" She asked. 

"Well, I am supposed to be driving Amelia and me home later on this evening. We wernt planning on staying." I said thruthfully. She put her hand on top of my hand as I held my hands in front of me holding the beer.

"Nonesense. You are staying with me" She said. I turned red slightly as she offered. Looks like I didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Oh , ok" I stuttered not knowing what to say.

"I'm sure I will have something to fit you to sleep in" She said looking me up and down again.

"Come sit by me" She said as she began to walk to the empty part of the sofa. Looks like the party is going to go ahead with two extra guests.

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