How You Met:- Raja (Out Of Drag)

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I was sat on the wall at the beach looking out to the sea. My feet buried in the sand. The sun was belting down on my skin. My sun hat shaded my face as my big, pink sunglasses covered my eyes. It was so quiet and peaceful . Apart from the waves lapping at the rocks and sand. I closed my eyes and just listened to the world around me. I heard a clicking sound and ignored it. It grew closer and closer. I opened my eyes. What the hell is that?  I turned my head and my mouth dropped open. The biggest dog I had ever seen was running towards me. It happened so quickly but it felt like slow motion. The dog jumped in to the air at me and knocked me backwards off the wall on to the floor. The dog stood over me and began licking my face, knocking my glasses and hat off as I wriggled and tried to cover my face. My face covered in dog slob. I managed to push the dog off gently and sit up. It was a saint Bernard. He was very cute. 

"Hi there!" I said smiling. The dog sat next to me as I petted his head. His fur was so fluffy and soft. He panted quickly. Drool falling from his mouth. I fumbled around his neck for a collar and tag. As I was searching. I heard a voice in the distance.

"Bruno! Come back here. " I heard. I didn't really pay attention to the voice. I was to engrossed in looking for the owner of this dog. The voice grew louder. 

"Bruno!" It shouted angrily.I turned and seen a young gentleman running towards me with a lead but no dog attached. The dog turned his head to the voice and ran to the gentleman . I watched as the gentleman clipped the dog back to the lead and jogged over to me. I managed to help myself up off the floor before the owner and dog came to me. Picking my hat and glasses up off the floor and dressing myself back in them.

"I am so sorry about that" Said the gentleman breathless as he reached me. He had black hair and was tanned. Tattoos on his arm and wore a red vest top and knee length shorts. A beaded necklace around his neck. He also wore black sunglasses. I smiled.

"It's ok . I had a fright more than anything " I said looking down at Bruno. He looked at me panting with what looked like a happy face.

"We were on the beach and the little shit wouldn't listen to me" He said finally getting his breath back. I giggled slightly. Having a dog myself I knew the struggle he just encountered.

"I'm Sutan."He said sweetly . I smiled. 

"(Y/N)" I answered. He smiled as I said my name. 

"Cute dress". Sutan said pointing down to my white, summer dress. It had two sandy dog prints printed on the bottom. I brushed it off with my hand laughing.

"Thank you. " I said looking up at him . Sutan and I just stood staring at each other awkwardly. He looked away with a slight flush. I blushed. Was it this heat? 

"Can I ask you a quick question?" He asked again. I nodded. 


"Can I take you for a drink to show my apologies. Bruno is a nightmare and he took you off that wall with force" Sutan said. Take me for a drink? He was kinda cute. And I had nothing else planned. A few seconds passed and I nodded.

"Ok. Sure. Sounds fun" I said straightening my hat. Sutan beamed and stroked the top of Bruno's head.

"Lets go right now. There is a small bar at the end of this walkway" He said. Right now ? He was eager.

"Lets get a move on then" I played. Sutan cocked his head and smiled. I stood next to him as Bruno , him and I began to walk the walkway down to the bar. Dogs , a drink and a cute guy ? What did I do in my life to deserve this? I looked at Bruno again as he walked with his head held high. I think he knew what he had done.

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