How You Met:- Jinkx Monsoon (Out Of Drag)

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** Jinkx identifies as gender fluid. So this story uses the term "They/ Them" to describe them **

I sat in the local coffee shop. Head in my book "Of Mice And Men". I loved to read , I loved the theater, I loved pantomimes and I loved a good book. Being so in to the book I drowned the voices of other customers at the shop out. My mind imagining and picturing the story line. I was so sucked in the book that I didn't hear the voice in front of me.

"Excuse me ? Mam,am ? Is this seat taken" It said. I shook my head , snapping back in to reality. My eyes met with beautiful brown eyes. I was met with an unfamilier face . They had ginger hair and  wore a black sweater . They stood awkwardly with their hand on the top of the chair opposite me.

"I am so sorry. I didn't hear you"I said shyly, closing my book and putting it on the table and pushing it away from me.

"I don't blame you. That's a classic book" They said sweetly. I smiled.

"Is this seat taken?" They asked again. Pointing down to the chair.

"No not at all" I answered. I looked around the coffee shop to see that the place was packed full of people.I hadn't noticed or heard any of them come in. They sat down in front of me quietly and put their bag on to the table. They reached in and took out a book, they lifted it to their face to begin to read. I looked at the front cover. The cover was very wrinkled and the book looked well worn and well read. The corners of the book were curled.

"Romeo and Juliet" I said quietly. reading the title. I didn't expect them to hear me. They looked over the book at me. Their eyes sparkling.

"Oh my. It is one of my guilty pleasures. I have read it back to back and I still go back to read it." They said. They smiled as they looked down at the book. 

"It is a good choice. Its so romantic" I said smiling at them. They looked in to space smiling like an in love teenager.

"It is. And the death scene. " They sighed "The way he does anything despite his family's dispute." They trailed off , looking out the window imagining the story. They snapped back and looked at me. 

"I actually perform in the theater." They started. "And I had the part of Juliet" They said confidently. I looked at them confused. Did I hear that right? The lady part?

"Juliet?" I said. They cackled loudly looking at the confusion upon my face.

"I am a drag queen. My name is Jerick but my drag name is Jinkx Monsoon". My mouth opened widely.

"That is amazing, theater and a drag queen in one !" I said surprised.

"And a hopeless romantic " They grinned at me. I blushed slightly and looked down at the table.

"I actually run theater groups on Thursdays , in the old cinema, you should come along and check it out sometime. We have upcoming plays on. We could use new and fresh faces for the cast" They leaned back in their chair and looked me up and down.

"You look as though you could play a queen" They exclaimed. I blushed madly. A queen? 

"You could ,your face is very angelic" 

"I will totally come and check your group out, I love theater and I love the plays.". Their eyes glistened as If I had just described their perfect evening. They giggled slightly.

"Well we are a match made in heaven then." We both giggled at the same time. They looked down at their watch.

"I must be off, I have a show I am preforming in at the Old Bucks Inn at 6 and its  drag show. I got to get myself ready and dress to the nines. Get my hair sorted" They ran her hand through their auburn hair. 

"I bet you look beautiful" I tried to imagine what they would like but before I could , they slid their phone over the table to me. I looked down and staring back at me was a beautiful woman. Bright ginger hair and a tight blue dress and around her neck , a white pearl necklace. Her makeup was flawless , enough to make any girl jealous ! She looked very classy.

"This is you?" I said shocked looking up at them.

"Of course. Arn't I a dish" They said they pouted their  lips playfully. I giggled slightly. 

"I plan to wear that dress tonight" They added. I handed them the phone back, they placed it in to the bag and pulled out a pad of paper and pen. They scribbled something down and handed me a piece of paper. 

"That's the address of the cinema ,and underneath is my phone number, so we can discuss the latest books , fashion tips and amazing plays" They cackled again making me laugh along with them.
"Ill be sure to give you a message". They proceeded to stand up, picking the satchel from the table and putting it over their neck. They smiled again , their teeth shimmering in the light.

"I never caught your name" They said now standing next to me . 

"(Y/N)". I raised my hand as Jerick took my hand and shook it. Their hands were soft.

"I'll look forward to seeing you soon, we will discuss techniques in the group and the rest is water off a ducks back" They winked and quickly left the coffee shop. I sat there smiling to myself. He was such a sweet person and I am not turning down the opportunity to spend time with them again.

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