How You Met :-Bianca Del Rio (Out Of Drag)

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I had bought a beautiful ballgown for an event I was attending in a few weeks. It was so elegant. It was all black, to the floor, sequined. I had shop bought it. Although it fitted in some places, I felt frumpy and needed it to be fitted properly to my size. Someone had given me a card for a tailor which was a few blocks away which I had booked for my dress to be altered, and was on my way to the appointment , dress in hand in a zip up black bag. I walked through the door of the shop and was greeted with all types of mannequins with handmade dresses being worn by them. Short , long , bright , vibrant. Ceiling to floor were rails and rails of dresses. I must have been standing there for a while as I heard a voice from behind the counter. 

"You gonna stand there all day!" It said. I turned to see a man standing there with a beautiful , gleaming, white smile. He wore a black shirt and black trousers , he had a tape measure draped around his next. His hands were placed on the desk in front of him and he was leaning over.

"I am so sorry" I said snapping back to reality. I walked over to the desk he was stood behind.

"I have an appointment for my dress to be altered" I said. I placed the bag on the desk between us. 

"Ah! Yes your (Y/N)" He said. He raised his right hand in front of him.

"I'm Roy" He said. Without hesitation I took his hand in mine and we shook hands.

"Follow me , we got a lot of work to do by the looks of you" He picked the dress up off the desk, turned on his heels and walked in to a back room behind him. I put my hand on my stomach as my mouth dropped. The cheek! I followed behind him. He stopped and looked over his shoulder at me.

"Just kidding!" He laughed and carried on walking in to the room. There was a small step in the middle of the room.

"Ok. So.There's a room there on the left for you to put this dress on , come out once your done and stand on this step and we will go from there." He said smiling again. He handed me the dress. His smile was mesmerizing. It was beautiful. Sure to make any girl jealous. I scurried in to the small changing room and quickly got undressed and wiggled in to the black dress. I pulled back the curtain and walked slowly over to the step. Roy had his back to me as he was preparing everything to alter the dress. I stood up on to the step and coughed. He turned quickly .

" Trying to get my attention bitch" He said  so seriously, I didn't know what to say.

"I know your there" He said strutting over, needles in hand. I stood up straight as he began to walk around me , eyeing the dress.

"You got good taste. The dress is beautiful." He said . I smiled.

"Thank you.The sequins are just gorgeous" I answered.

"With your figure it wont need much altering sweetie." He said. He stood behind me and put his hands on my hips without any warning. I gulped and blushed furiously. What was he doing?

"This part needs to come in , and then needs to fall , like this." He began to trail his hands from my hips and down my legs.

"Its gonna look stunning" He said excitedly. He began to push pins in to the dress to hold the parts where he was to alter. I didn't move as he began to pin things in place with a blink of an eye. He sure knew what he was doing. He was now stood in front of me . Concentrating. His face inches from mine as he began to stare at my breasts. My face began to go red again as he stared.

"Why you covering them up?"He pulled the dress down a little to show my cleavage.

"Now that's a dress! " He said smiling. There was me thinking he was being rude, but he was so in to his tailoring I was taking everything the dirty way!.

"I'm a drag queen, I know my stuff" He said. I smiled. 

"Really! I would never have said" I said shocked. I would never have placed him as a drag queen. He laughed. 

"Girl, I can rock a pair of heels much more higher than you could walk in. I was walking in heels when you were still in diapers" He laughed loudly again. I was speechless!

"Don't take me so seriously. I'm not a nasty cunt really" He smiled again as I stood there with no words to speak.

"Its all pinned in place . If you carefully undress and leave the dress in the changing room I will get right to work on it tonight and it be ready in a few days." He placed a hand on to my shoulder.

"You will look great I promise , and if you don't ? Well who cares ! Your not me" He laughed again. I quietly laughed with him.

"You are so witty"I said sarcastically. He picked up on it and smiled. He left go of my shoulder and went back over to the other side of the room to put the extra pins and other items away. 

After I undressed and re dressed myself. I met Roy at the front desk. 

"Your all booked in to come and collect on Tuesday" He said, putting the pen he used to write in his diary behind his ear.

"Thank you so much" I said. He went in to his draw and pulled out a spare piece of paper and began scribbling on it. He then handed me the paper. I took it from him and looked down at it. An address was neatly scribbled. I raised my eyebrow and looked up at him.

"I don't fuck on the first date. So don't look so confused. It's where my next drag show is next week, you should totally come! If you have a good sense of humor you will love it " He said. I nodded without hesitation

"Absolutely. I will be there " I answered. He grinned showing that sparkly smile. So looks like my next week is already planned.

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