How You Met:-Jinkx Monsoon

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Working on the cruise ship really did have its upside. Even though working at the ticket counter,cleaning, working the bar you name it, wasn't a glamorous job,I always managed to take a sneak peak of all the celebrities , actors and performers on the ship that came to entertain the holiday makers. I had been told to clean the stage and backstage before one of the acts were to perform at dinner. I was running around with a mop and bucket quickly cleaning the stage, sweeping the corridors behind the stage and making sure all the performers had fresh water and food in their dressing rooms. I was in a dressing room with the name "Jinkx Monsoon" on the door. I overheard that she was a famous drag queen and was preforming tonight. I was wiping down the mirror of her room until I heard a voice behind me.

"Oh, my dear there is no need to clean that " It said. I turned around and was greeted by a beaming, smiling lady. She had shoulder length ginger hair and wore a long pink dress. You could just see the front of her shoes which were also pink in color. She smiled at me as I looked her up and down.

"The room is fine you don't need to clean it " She said gently.

"Oh I am sorry. I was allocated here" I said shyly and began to pick up my spray bottle and cloth.

"Jinkx your on in 15 minutes !" A voice shouted from the corridor. She giggled.

"Show time!" She said as she made jazz hands. I giggled quietly.

"You watching the show sweetie ?" She sweetly said as she began to play with her hair, looking past me and looking in to the mirror.

"I will be working the bar, I tend to do many different jobs here . I am forever working" I answered. Her smile fell and she looked hurt. She walked over to me , heels hitting the floor as she walked. She placed one hand on each shoulder.

"Oh honey, cant they give you a night off you look like you have worked all day" She smiled at me. Such a beautiful and warm smile.

"I wish " I sighed. I tucked my hair behind my ears as she looked at me. She rubbed my arms.

"No harm in asking. Everyone deserves a night off. Even me . If I could drink the bar dry I would." She smiled again. I chuckled.

"Cant remember the last time I didn't wear ductape" She cackled and winked at me.

"You have a very cute smile. And beautiful eyes" She looked in to my eyes for a moment. Her eyes were a stunning brown. I blushed slightly. She was staring at me. As if memorizing my characteristics.

"Jinkx! 10 minutes! " She quickly looked away,snapping out of her trance. She turned on her heels and headed off out the door and clip clopped down the corridor. I sighed again. I was worn out . I hadn't had a night off in ages. I filled my cleaning trolley full of the cleaning products and items I used to clean and locked them away in the cleaning cupboard. I had my bar uniform in the cupboard so I quickly got changed and rushed over to the bar. I stood behind the bar looking out towards the stage. The room was full of people around their tables. Mostly adults. Getting drunk and enjoying their holiday. Just then one of the girls I worked with came rushing over to me .

"Your not supposed to be here " She said slightly out of breath. I raised my eyebrow and looked at her confused.

"I'm on the rota" I answered. I am sure I was !

"No, the manager just crossed your name off." She said again. I quickly wiggled past her and looked at the rota which was blue tacked to the wall behind her. She was right. My name was crossed off. The girl was stood behind me.

"Looks you have the night off !" She exclaimed. I beamed. Finally! I quickly untied my apron and placed it on the bar and without another word scurried out from behind the bar. As I was rushing, I bumped in to my manager. I walked straight in to the back of him!

"I am so sorry!" I said as he turned to face me.

"What you doing here? Your supposed to be sat at the front of the stage, there is a table reserved with your name on it. " He said. I frowned again. All this confusion.


"Go!" He ushered me towards the steps he was stood on top of. I speedily maneuvered around tables, swaying drunks and happy families, to find a table with indeed, my name on it! He wasn't joking! On the table was a bottle of champagne and a glass. I sat down slowly as I noticed a note leaning up against the bottle. I opened it and proceeded to read.

"Everyone deserves a night off, Jinks x" My heart raced. She set this up? How? Why? How did she manage to get the manager to give me the night off ? The lights began to dim and a deep voice boomed over the microphone.

"Ladies ad gentleman. Please welcome your entertainer for this evening Jinkx Monsoon!". Jinkx's strutted on to the stage , the crowd cheered as she made her way to centre stage. She curtsied.

"Well Hi everybody!". She waved at the crowd and cackled.

"Waw there's a lot of beautiful people here in the audience. "She put her hand to her eyes to cover the light. She looked down to me who was sat right beneath her feet.

"Especially you" She pointed at me making my face turn bright red and the crowd began looking over to me and laughing.

"Isn't she cute. Give her a round of applause guys!" She shouted. The crowd went wild while clapping their hands for me. I was now as red as a tomato. She winked at me and began to carry on with her show. I was star struck. I opened the champagne that was left on the table and began to pour myself a glass, when I notice another piece of paper in my glass. I pulled it out and began to read. It was a mobile number and had a big kiss next to it in lipstick.

"Maybe we can share fashion tips over coffee sometime." It read. My heart beat fast in my chest. I was just asked for coffee by the famous Jinkx Monsoon.

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