How You Met:- Katya Zamolodchikova

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It was very early morning and I woke up next to someone I had climbed in to bed with that night. Alcohol makes you do stupid things. I quickly threw last nights dress on and tried to find the front door. My "date" began to stir as I shut his bedroom door quietly and I made a bolt for the front door , opened it and shut it as fast as I could. Nothing seemed familiar. I didn't remember the apartment , the corridor or even the man I was with. I was stood with my back against the door looking up and down the corridor. It didn't look the nicest of places. Doors had holes in them from people kicking , the corridor lights were flickering. There was rubbish everywhere and graffiti on the walls. I had no idea what time it was. Just then , I heard a door close in the far end of the corridor and the clicking of heels coming towards me. I focused my eyes through the dim light and seen a lady. She had long blonde hair, knee high black heels and she wore ripped tights with a black leotard, she had what looked like a man's coat on . It was long and and black and came to her knees. She made her way towards me but was looking down at the floor. When she got closer she looked up and clocked me.

"Oh!" She shouted and put her hand to her chest.

"Christ you scared the life out of me ! What are you doing here sneaking around the corridors this early" Her voice was more of a mans voice and I began to sway to the idea that she was a drag queen, her makeup was slowly beginning to rub off and her lipstick was smudged.

"I am so sorry." I said apologetically. She looked me up and down.

"I think you and I have been doing the same thing" She said in a ditsy voice. She chuckled and winked.

"Was he good?" She asked. I smirked. 

"If he was I am sure I would remember but to be honest with you I cant remember a thing". She cackled and began to pull a fan out of the jacket pocket and began to fan herself.

"Do you know the way out?". She asked again. I shook my head.

"No idea". She walked over to me and took my hand and shook it.

" You must think I am a right freak . Where is my manners. Im Katya" 

"(Y/N)." I answered . She didn't leave go of my hand but held it very tightly.

"Lets help each other out and quickly before the men we decided to swoon wake up" . I laughed. She was such a character. We both began to run down the corridor, heels clicking in to the marble floor. We found an elevator at the end of the corridor and Katya pressed the button to call the elevator. There was a loud slam behind us. We turned around in sync and saw a man standing in the middle of the corridor at the far end.

"You ! Bitch! You stole my money !" He shouted. He started to run towards us. Katya began giggling and and began pressing the lift button over and over. The doors opened and she pushed me in , pressing the ground button quickly. She cackled as the man was inches away from the doors as they closed on him and we descended down. My heart was pounding .

"Did you steal his money" I said shocked . My back up against the elevator  wall. She put her hand on my shoulder.

"Between you and me . Yes. Just a little " She said bluntly. I giggled as she put her hand down her bra and pulled out a wad of cash.  My eyes widened.

"Oh my god that's not a little!" I said. She fanned herself with it. The elevator dinged as we got to the ground floor. The doors opened and we both stepped out.

"Nice to meet you "She said as she began to skip out of the complex.

"Oh wait " She said when she was stood by the door to the quiet street, the sky was still dark. She skipped back to me.

"Do you gave a phone?" She asked. Without hesitation I pulled it out from my pocket.

"It hasn't got much battery so you will have to make the phone call quick " I said as she began pressing numbers very quickly. I assumed she was ringing for taxi or someone to come and get her. She passed the phone back to me.

"I'm not ringing anyone. Here's my number. Call me sometime and we can hang out. You seem fun " She said. She tuned on her heels and continued to skip towards the exit.

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