First Date With:- Adore Delano

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I stood nervously outside the bar. I had been texting Adore most of the day . She had told me to meet her outside this certain bar. It was freezing. I crossed my arms and rubbed them hard, cold breath escaping my mouth. Where the hell was she?  I pulled my phone out of my handbag and looked at the time. She was fifteen minutes late. There were loads of different people entering and exiting the club but there was still no sign of her. Just as I placed my phone in to my handbag a voice came from the side of me.

"Hi! Thank god you waited! The taxi driver literally was blind as well as deaf. I told him to go to the left and he took me the wrong way. I ended up outside the wrong club!" I turned to see Adore. Dressed for the gods and makeup done to perfection. Her hair was light blue and she wore the cutest black , netted dress I had ever seen. Her black leather jacket just sliding over her shoulders. A long silver , cross necklace hung from her neck.

"That's Ok" I managed to splutter out through the chattering of my teeth. 

"You have waited outside for me all this time !" She said putting her hand to her chest , shocked that I was stood out in the cold waiting for her.

"Its fine, really" I said reassuring her. She quickly took off her leather jacket and placed it around me. It was warm from her body.

"I am so sorry" She said sweetly "Lets get inside". I followed behind her as she entered the club. We walked up the stairs full of drunks sitting on the steps. We got to two double doors which were open and lead in to a massive open room full of drag queens, people dancing. Males, females you name it. I was behind Adore following her closely. I had never been in here before and had no idea where she was going. We were walking through the dance floor. Shoulder to shoulder with people. She turned to look behind her to make sure I was still following and smiled. She quickly linked my arm. 

"I don't want to loose you in here" She shouted over the music. I smiled at her. We walked together to a small back room that wasn't so crowded with people. There was a small bar . The music was a lot quieter so I could here Adore speaking. We took a seat each at the bar.

"Can I get you guys anything?" Said the bartender. The bartender was dressed to the nines. A sparking gown , to the floor and a long blonde wig. She was a drag queen.

"Ill get this" Said Adore. She reached in to the dress , in to her bra and pulled out some money.

"Can I get like, two vodkas please" She said as she handed the money to the bartender.

"Is that Ok for you?" She said turning to me.

"Ill drink anything to get warm" I said. Her jacket still draped around my shoulders.

"Party!" She said smiling, her white teeth glistening in the light. The bartender placed two full glasses of vodka in front of us and rushed off to serve the next person.

"So was this the sort of first date you were expecting." Adore asked.

"Not really" I said truthfully.

"I don't do that romantic bull shit " She said, picking up her drink and quickly taking a sip. I laughed. I loved her honesty. 

"A nice drink , great company , good music and people is all you need " She said. She looked me up and down.

"That's such a  cute dress" She said pointing to me. I had a short, cream dress on that had sparkles around the chest area.

"Thank you." I said looking down at myself.

"You will have to let me borrow it sometime " She said picking up her drink again.

"Your welcome to it . My wardrobe is full of dresses " I said. She smiled at me again.

"You should come over to my apartment whenever your free. I would love to show you my collection. I have this beautiful dress that I have only ever worn once, it would look great on you. You have the figure for it " She said looking me up and down again. I giggled and blushed.

"A figure for it ? I don't think so" I said confused. She must be blind.

"Ill be the judge of that. Your really cute " She said in a flirty tone . I looked down nervously. Did she really think I was cute? She quickly polished off her drink and slammed the glass on to the counter.

"Now come on. Lets go meet some of my friends. I would love for them to meet you" She said as she stood up off the chair. She raised her hand up towards me, expecting me to take her hand. I didn't hesitate and took her hand as she slowly helped me down of the stool. We were now stood inches away from each other, still with me holding her hand. She smelled of purfume .She smiled at me again. I couldn't stop staring at how beautiful she was. Her gleaming smile, her glistening eyes , her perfect lips. She tucked her hair behind her ear , blushing madly as she looked down at the floor. Without a word she kept ahold of my hand as we began to slowly maneuver through the dance floor. All eyes on us as they looked at Adore then me as If I was some sort of celebrity. The attention making me blush nervously as Adore still gripped my hand tightly.

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