First Date With:- Katya Zamolodchikova

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Katya had text me earlier on in the evening. She was driving to pick me up. I offered to catch a taxi but she was adamant to come and pick me up. I was stood outside my apartment building , shivering in the cold waiting for Katya to come and collect me. She had not told me where we were going or what we were doing. So I didn't even know if I was dressed appropriately. As I began to rub my arms to keep warm I heard a car beep from the left side of me. I turned to see a small , white car. It looked a bit beat up. It had a few dents in it , the wing mirror was slightly hanging off and I am not a mechanic , but it was making a sound I'm sure cars weren't supposed to make. The window opened and Katya poked her head out. Her long curly blonde hair blowing in the wind. Her makeup was painted to perfection.

"Oh you are here! Thought I scared you off" She said with a big white smile.

"Come one , we are going to be late. Its happy hour !" She said. I smirked as my heels clipped at the pavement as I walked to her car , my dress flowing in the cold breeze. She leaned over from the drivers seat to the passenger and opened the door for me from the inside. I clambered in. I didn't have much leg room as it was full of empty food wrappers and empty drink bottles. I smiled to myself as she looked down at my feet.

"I know what your thinking. I'm a slob. "She said. Her car smelt of a mix of her cigarettes and the stale car fresher hanging from her interior mirror. I turned to face her. I noticed she had a dark purple , sequins dress on. It was spangling in the street lights that was lit next to the car. I shook my head.

"I don't think that at all" I answered. She giggled to herself and began to drive down the road. The roads were quite empty as she sped a little . The music from the radio was on quietly as she weaved in and out of traffic . A couple of minutes passed and Katya parked at the side of the road outside a club called "Unicorn". Where the hell were we? I have never seen this place n my life. Never even knew it existed. What even is this place? We both stepped out of Katya's car and headed towards the entrance together. She had black PVC style thigh high boots on. She was stunning. She had a figure to die for. She stopped in her tracks just at the doors of the entrance.

"I will warn you , this is not your everyday date" She said . I frowned a little. She cackled loudly and threw open the doors and walked in, I walked next to her. The place was dark and there were pink neon lights everywhere. There were no windows either. 

"Is this a restaurant?" I said. Katya threw her head back and waved her arms frantically laughing. I guess it wasn't.

"Its not, look around "She said getting her breath back. I took a closer look , walking slowly forward as I looked around.

"A strip club?" I said quietly.There were girls in revealing outfits , swinging off poles , dancing with men who were sat at the bar. Serving drinks behind the bar. I gulped hard. Katya walked passed me. 

"Stop gawping and lets get the front row table. " She said. She scuttled off ahead and found an empty table and chair just at the front of the stage. My head spinning with unanswered questions , I followed behind her and took a seat in the empty chair next to her. She placed her hand bag on to the table and pulled out another cigarette, along with a lighter .She began to light it up.

"Katya!" I said as she lit the cigarette. She inhaled deeply and exhaled a huge cloud of smoke.

"What?" She questioned.

"You cant smoke in here" I said in a quiet mumble not to draw any more attention to ourselves.

"Its fine . They know me " She answered. Know me?

"Hey Katya. Here again." Said a voice. I turned to my right to see a tall, blonde haired young girl wearing what looked like just a bra and knickers.

"Oh! Hey Suzie! How are you? Can we get The Sex On The Beach cocktails? How is your aunt doing?" She said. She had been here before. I awkwardly sat in my chair, shuffling around as Katya spoke to this young girl.

"And who is this?" The young girl asked turning to me.

"This is my date" She said turning to me and smiling. I blushed a little and looked away.

"Your date? She is beautiful" Said the young girl. She looked me up and down ,smiled and walked away from the table.

"You been here before?" I asked stupidly , hoping to get the answer , no.

"Yeah all the time , its fucking great. Great girls , cheap drinks. I love it. Oh by the way I ordered you a Sex On The Beach. They make it to perfection here. I don't drink often , but one won't hurt right?"

"Thank you " I said . I turned to my other side and there was another young girl , with short brown hair twirling , twisting , grinding the pole on the stage next to me. She had a body that I would kill to have. I watched her, fascinated. I had never seen anything like it before.

"Her body is to die for isn't it ? "I said.

"Not as nice as yours" I heard Katya say. I turned quickly to face her. She was leaned back in her chair blowing cigarrete smoke in to the air.

"Not as ,good as, mine ?" I stuttered . Did I hear her correctly?

"Nope. Your better looking than all these girls here. " She said, leaning forward and stubbing her cigarrete in to the ashtray that was situated in the middle of the table. I began to blush furiously and it wasn't the lights making me red. She looked up at me again , a glint in her eyes. I couldn't look at her as my chest grew tighter with my heart punding. That was a compliment I will take.

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