Adventure #9: Part 1: Bobby The Milk Covered Sleepwalker

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Hey! I usually at least read through it once before posting but I didn't this time because I'm lazy so there's probably like a million mistakes.


Hope you enjoy this and don't forget to vote and comment! Also oh my gods this story almost has 3k reads and it just got 2k reads a few days ago! Thanks!


Part 1: Bobby The Milk Covered Sleepwalker

"I can't believe a thirteen year old almost made you go to jail!" Xander said laughing uncontrollably.

"Xan you're lucky you're not here next to me because if you were I would have killed you already. The fact that some psychotic thirteen year old girl is trying to take me down shouldn't amuse you." I said looking at my friend on my laptop screen.

"But it is amusing Lolly!" He said and fell off his bed from the amount of laughing and shaking he was doing.

I continued painting my toe nails black. It was a few days after the accident with the police and lets just say Dexter took care of it. He also spoke with the girl's parents and they made her apologize to us. Apparently it isn't the first time she goes overboard like that over a celebrity she likes.

"Okay I'm done." I heard Xander say and I looked back at my laptop in front of me, on my bed. Xander was sitting once again cross legged and wasn't laughing like a maniac. "Sorry, it's just funny."

I decided to change the subject before he started laughing again. "When are you coming to stay with us? I really miss you and I could use some Xander and Lolly time." I said.

"Are you coming back for the Fourth of July?" He asked seeming to think about when he could join us in Southern California.

"I don't know but I'm guessing yeah. We always have that town picnic at the park and it's fun." I said.

"Well if you come back for that I'll leave with you guys." He said and yawned. "What time is it?"

I looked at the clock next to my bed. "It's almost three in the morning. I didn't even realize it was that late." I said surprised. "We've been talking for five hours."

"Well I'm suddenly tired so I'm saying goodnight." He said.

"I'll call you when the sun is up." I said smiling and then saying goodbye. My Skype session with Xander ended and I finishing painting my toe nails.

Everyone had gone to sleep hours ago so I was the only one still awake. I hated having insomnia and not being able to sleep during the night. It's boring being in a quiet house were everyone but you is sleeping.

Once I was done with my toe nails I closed the nail polish and waited for them to dry. There was nothing on TV so I just stared up at the ceiling meanwhile I waited. Marie hasn't acted any different towards me since she found out about Dexter and Charlie. She does bring up Cholly though and has teamed up with Iris and Emilie to prove I like Charlie. According to them I'm in denial and don't know what I'm saying.

Emilie has pretty much almost given up on her mystery guy. He hasn't even texted me and Bobby won't say a word about him. Emilie even tied him up to a chair and tortured him with three hours of It's A Small World and he still didn't say who it was. So she's decided to just make the best of this summer and meet a lot of hot guys making her forget about the guy she really wants. It kind of sucks that's she's giving up because I sort of shipped them even though I didn't know the guy.

Iris has been trying to break Ethan's shell. The poor guy can barely talk to anyone, besides Charlie, without stuttering. He's a nice looking guy but he's just extremely shy and hasn't fully finished puberty. He has some acne and his voice is sort of weird. He's barely as tall as Iris and that girl is small for a fourteen year old. Iris doesn't seem like she's even close to giving up though. She seems determined to become friends with Ethan even though he can barely talk to her.

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